The Sapodilla Cays Marine Reserve is a  situated at the very Southern end of the Belize Barrier Reef  system, a World Heritage Site. Within the boundaries of the Marine Reserve are eight unique and beautiful islands. Five of  these islands are tourism sites, and one, Hunting Cay, houses the reserve center.  The other islands are currently held under private lease from the Government of Belize (GOB).

 The Marine Reserve was declared in 1996. A co-management team , is actively undertaking the responsibility for day to day management and development of the reserve. The Department of Fisheries and the NGO, Toledo Association for Sustainable Tourism and Empowerment (TASTE) are the co-managers of the Reserve.  All policies  for management are the purview of  the LOCAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE – The   SCMR Advisory Committee, is a body of fifteen local participants and stakeholders.

The management of the reserve is guided by a management plan.  The main areas of operational activity are:

Threat Abatement                                Scientific Research

Environmental Education                             Administration

               Patrols/Monitoring                             Fisheries Laws Implementation

Tourism Infrastructure and Support            Communication 

              Funding and Financial Support

How You Can Help

 The Co-management team is seeking support for all aspects of the project.

Management Plan upgrade




Environmental Education

Program Support


Tourism in the Marine Reserve is well developed. Two islands, Hunting Cay and Lime Cay are used throughout the year  for major camping expeditions from out of Guatemala.  The SCMR Advisory Committee  visited the site's to observe this activity and wrote a report with some recommendations for follow up.  Projects have been written under these recommendations for upgrading the tourism infrastructure so that improved all year round services may be offered. The upgraded management plan will specify site capacities and their implementation.

 Without doubt,  SCMR sustainability will come from eco-tourism.  Private tourism development is happening on Lime Caye , Nicolas Caye , Frank’s Caye and Seal Caye.  Tom Owens is very small and not suitable for development of any kind.  Northeast Caye is the last remaining island with any wilderness on it. Zoning in the upgraded management plan will make North East caye a preservation zone. Tom Owens Caye will come under a special management area designation.

 TASTE/SCMR is creating a "Friends of the SCMR"  program to raise funds for the management and protection of the reserve. 

If you would be interested in visiting the SCMR please communicate your interest.  We can arrange your trip to suit your pleasure.  We are in touch with local tour operators, tour guides, hotel owners, resort owners. supplies, etc.

All communication can go direct to our email: 



Or to:


PO Box 18 Punta Gorda Town

Toledo, Belize Central America

International 011-501-722-0191

 Fax/Tel 011-501-722-2070

  In order to rebuild the SCMR to our stated vision ,(that the SCMR return to it's known former bio-diversity and health as experienced by living stake holders of 25 to 30 years ago) we are inviting all interested people to share with us.

How You Can Help

Sapodilla Cays Marine Reserve (SCMR)
Department of Fisheries, Government of Belize (GOB)

P.O  Box 148 Belize City, Belize



Toledo Association for Sustainable Tourism and Empowerment (TASTE) will soon be able to post a copy of the  TASTE Strategic plan for the SCMR and a copy of the management plan, please email us at: 

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Contact Information


Street address
P.O. Box 18, Punta Gorda, Belize, Central America

Electronic mail address 

Calling International



Phone/Fax number in Belize

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Co-managing with Belize Department of Fisheries


 (Toledo Association for Sustainable Tourism)


TASTE | Mangrove  Planting | Co-Management | Friends of the SCMR

Copyrighted July 17,2002
Last revised: June 03, 2003 .

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