The Great Doctrine Debate III: 4th Generation Warfare Group (THEGREATDOCTRINEDEBATE3)
dedicated to the work of military futurist Dr. Martin van Crevald
For all military topics we have two general study groups:
Army Transformation 21st Century mailing list
Military Reform mailing list
The 1st TSG (A) assists U.S. civilian/military leaders and Soldiers
with studies, gear designs and professional military education materials
at no charge. We send out each month an inter-active, e-magazine focused
on ground maneuver; Land
Power Transformation 2 (LPT) and on air operations, U.S.
Army/Air Force Aviation Journal (AVJ) to our members at-large
New Articles as of January 29th, 2007
The Non-Linear Fight We are Now In: It takes MANEUVER, Tofflerian/RMA
Former CIA Director Woolsey and Dr. Kopp expose what ISLAMO-FASCISM really is
Starship Trooper physical MANEUVER versus Tofflerian mental firepower: DoD on a collision course with disaster
Biddle's Army War College Afghanistan report debunks precision firepower without
ground maneuver "future of warfare" madness infecting DoD
LTC Gentry reveals RMA/netcentric mentalism is a dangerous, failed crutch!
How the U.S. Army reverse-engineers reality into their
"transformation" plans: Chapter 6, page 159 dismisses our
superior Air-Mech-Strike and Breaking the Phalanx plans!
Tale of two Colonels: Charles DeGaulle and Douglas MacGregor misunderstood
Improved Tank/Infantry cooperation for urban combat?
U.S. Army Reserves: Not Ready, but need to be ready for non-linear combat
Retired General David Grange begins Military Veterans Radio/WWW Sunday Night
Return of the Horse Soldiers?
Impeach Bush: wants to reduce U.S. nuclear shield to 4 subs and 4 AF
bases by 2017, National Survival in jeopardy
Mexican Army and intel services leading attacks across U.S. southern borders:
time to move National Guard with live ammunition to seal off this
asymmetric attack avenue for 9/11 type terrorists
DoD: screwed up since 1947, how to fix it before its too late
U.S. Army needs Honor Code NOW
New book charts Army success path: Air-Mech-Strike: Asymmetric Maneuver
Warfare for the 21st Century
Study Group Member conducts first U.S. Army Air-Mech-Strike assault in
thinking poisoning U.S. military?
Afghanistan Primer: solving the "we don't do mountains" light-itis
Tanks are Combat Engineer Vehicles
More on the U.S. Army wheeled mafia's Stryker truck deathtrap!
O'Reilly Report as PDF File
U.S. Soldiers dying; Enough-is-Enough: send in enough M113 Gavins to replace
all HMMWV trucks in Iraq
Soft-skin Army getting clobbered in Iraq: wheeled HMMWV trucks and inadequate Soldier protection
Shinseki gone: Stryker lies starting to come out: roll-over at NTC
Billions wasted on new military vehicle? Critics pan Army's 'Stryker ' as
poor alternative to tracked predecessors
the Army Airborne and Light Divisions' Delta Companies: it maneuvers a
censorship defeated: LAVDANGER web site online again revealing Stryker
Army official reveals current Army leaders have been lying about Stryker
armored car all along
Senator Stevens wants PORK, RAND calls it a LEMON, Soldiers need the
DIAMOND; the M113A3 Gavin
Speaker of the House Gingrich blows whistle on lav3stryker deathtrap
cheating cannot save Army wheeled deathtrap: DoD considers canceling the
U.S. Army Report: Lav3Stryker is a miserable failure; FCS is unworkable
fantasy, USAF not even consulted when 96 hour air transport claims made!
combat simulation study proves M113A3/M8 AGS IBCT force structure
superior to LAV-III armored cars
LAV armored cars will not survive modern combats
Cavalry: light tracked M113 AAM/PVFs perfect for non-linear, lethal
modern battlefields
tracked 2nd ACR beats wheeled IBCTs
tanks, helicopter fighter-bombers: U.S. Army in search of doctrine?
officer in 1989 proposed better transformation plan; Army has no
justification for LAV armored car purchases
Army enlistedman/officer presents M113A3 transformation plan in 1995 ARMOR
MacGregor's Airborne-Air Assault Battle Groups
Mech Sappers
How blind obedience creates bad decisions like LAV-III/Stryker trucks
Army says "wheels or walk!", ignores lighter tracks
Why doesn't the press expose the LAV-III/IAV scam?
Russian LAV-III equivalent armored car blown up in Chechnya (actual footage)
Tracks vs. Wheels 101: look at the drivetrains!
What if your LAV-III can't turn around on a mountain pass?
Official MTMC-TEA Study proves LAV-IIIs NOT C-130 transportable
2 x LAV-IIIs fly by C-17, we can fly 2 x Bradleys, 5 x M113A3 Gavins,
why waste $$BILLIONS on LAV-IIIs?
armor, hello peacekeepers! Don Loughlin exposes LAV-III scam in Defense
Daily News
misconduct behind LAV-III scam
Britain wants tracks for FSCS Tracer scout vehicle, Gen Shinseki didn't: program cancelled, No Cavalry Branch, no Cavalry vehicles!
Army adopts air-delivered M113A3 Gavin Mech-Infantry concept in Europe reaction
force, airlands into Northern Iraq
Light Mechanized Sapper Company (Airborne)
FM 7-7: Cross-country-capable, amphibious APC: rediscover a lost art
Ocean-going M113A3 AmphiGavins: key to speeding Army sealift
Australian Army upgrades its tracked M113s: East Timor victors by way of C-130
selling us their wheeled armored cars (pork$$$), upgrading THEIR TRACKED
M113s (combat power)
Canadians call tracked M113s "TLAVs", can't admit wheeled
"LAVs" stink
New Zealanders reject LAV-III deathtrap armored cars
Army has better adapted M113A3s
Army World-wide Strategic Maneuver (AWSOM) costs less than LAV-III cars,
solves strategic air/sea lift woes
Daily News: AWSOM 2D/3D maneuver and firepower doctrine
tracked tanks can fly by leased cargo 747s (large armored cars can't)
Army without tanks?
Cavalry history: wheels a failure, no Cavalry Branch, No Cavalry
Future Combat System proposals wheeled: fantasy "cash cow" to
fleece America
New Soldier Self-Help Discoveries!
Iraqi Combat: Small Arms and Individual Equipment Lessons Learned
Army battery charging problems solved: power inverters in HMMWV trucks NOW
U.S. Army Reading List NOW
Helmet NVG mount protection and rank/name ID: without 100 mph tape
rucksack failure: what do we do for a jump-capable rucksack?
MOUT lifeline: rescue your buddy out of the line of fire
Light: Soldiers Load Solution do-able right now!
Got bad gear,
Soldier? Nobody listening? Post your ideas at Brigade Quartermasters:
they'll get good gear to the good guys (you)
Does Ecotat
have the Soldier's Load problem solved?
approaches: replace field jacket liners ASAP!
The Great 21st Century Rifle Controversy: is 5.56mm enough?
U.S. Army reports Afghan gear problems: 1st TSG (A) told them so, Soldiers
still getting ignored
Ground launched Hydra 70mm 2.75 inch rockets: Brazil makes the launcher we need
Ranger Rick Tscherne returns from the Balkans: creates SOS survival dog tag
Fighting "war" on terrorism handicapped: where is the tear gas?
No more hard plastic canteen jump injuries: flexible 1-qt canteens are here
New Army chinstrap will save lives IF we get it NOW, not in 10 years
Colonel Hackworth's Vietnam Primer: excellent guide to non-linear combat in closed terrain against asymmetric enemies
"An Army of One, a Soldier for all"
WWII Airborne screen saver
Improved Aircraft and Close Air Support (CAS)
1st TSG (A) discovers 108 Paratroopers can jump from a C-17!
LA Times USMC self-promotion: pride/ego-created AV-8 and V-22 kill Americans, waste $BILLIONS tax dollars; w/o phony "911" unit, maybe we'd not
have 9/11 attacks?
Why can't the U.S. military land on water anymore?
Boeing Phantom Works adopts AMS-SG's WIG concept!
V-22: marine Colonel's lies about flying deathtrap exposed!
Fix USAF CAS: Air Commandos and 2-seat OA-10B Warthogs
Fix U.S. Army Close Fight Support: Attack Pathfinder AeroScouts
U.S. Army adopts 1st TSG (A) "RoboCobra" UCAV concept
The trouble with aircraft: they ain't--ground mobility needed
Why air strikes without decisive maneuver failed in Iraq and Kosovo
How the USAF sees the world!
Got CAS? Charles Myers Maneuver Air Support can fix this
"Killer Bees": low-cost scout/attack aircraft for the 1st Cavalry Division
Goodbye Future Transport Rotorcraft! All Army monies are being wasted on LAV-III/FCS armored deathcars
No future for U.S. Navy/marines without jet seaplanes
No Air Recon: how fighter pilot egos grounded the SR-71
Another 1st TSG (A) member writes in:
"Have you any idea where I can locate more information on the current status of the Stryker program as well as any information on how well it is performing in Iraq today?
This thing is a classic procurement boondoggle and will probably kill a bunch of kids."
A concerned citizen asks:
"After reading a lot of the stuff on your site,
I just can't understand why the Army uses Humvees so much.
They don't offer much protection at all. I also was
surprised about reports of certain units having to
improvise by adding armor plating on their trucks and
other vehicles. You are right about how this has lead to
quite a few deaths and it does not seem all that hard to
solve. Maybe someday someone will do something about this
because the Soldiers need better protection than
1st TSG (A) REPLY: Here are some web pages we update: