Those of you who know me today may wonder how I came to be. Well, either that, or you assume I was spawned directly FROM Satan, whichever is partially true. Anyway, the truth is I had a pretty sweet life before college, and before I kill all the brain cells that contain such memories, I figure I'll make a little page showcasing some stuff from back in the day. --Webmistress Manda |
The bare bones, naked (heh heh I said naked) truth behind the legend. I am TOO a legend. |
classic manda |
Late Fall 1983 |
Where it all began. This is what I looked like before becoming the margarine of evil. Aww...aderber. |
This is what you've all been waiting for...FULL FRONTAL NUDITY! Well, near full. Whatever. Basically I look the same, minus the diaper. Tee hee. |
Summer 1984 |
Uncle Jack and me in the ol' Ebner homestead. Fun times for me. Looks like a birthday, or whatever. Love ya Uncle J! |
Spring 1987, I think (?) |
Yeah, a real cool guy. Shut up! 8th grade dance love! In case you're wondering, YES I have braces and YES I let my mom cut my bangs. Let us never speak of these travesties again. |
May 1996 |
Uh-oh, another cool guy alert. LOL. Yeah it's Junior prom with my main man Matt Sloan. The hair took an hour to anchor in and longer to wash out. Theme: Oh What A Night. |
May 1999 |
And finally, the crowning achievement of my young life. ME AND HANSON. Yeah, you know you're jealous, despite what you claim. This was backstage at the Hollywood Bowl. I cried afterwards out of pure happiness. Tear. |
July 14, 1998 (not that I remember or nuthin) |
Kick back, have a mocha chocka la ta. |
These are a few pages from a scrapbook I kept from middle school through high school. I was going to put some old school poetry I wrote, but then I realized I don't need to be taunted any more than the usual. See what kind of stuff I was into then...and try to stifle the giggles, OKAY? |
Boyfriend pros and cons. Glad I'm not making those little lists anymore...oh wait...MAN I am lame. |
The little scribbles around the pages are my own additions...if you can read them I'll give you a cookie. |
I know the little "what-EVER" clip gives it away, but I admit I subscribed to seventeen magazine. Oh the shame. |