Those of you who know me today may wonder how I came to be.  Well, either that, or you assume I was spawned directly FROM Satan, whichever is partially true.

Anyway, the truth is I had a pretty sweet life before college, and before I kill all the brain cells that contain such memories, I figure I'll make a little page showcasing some stuff from back in the day.

        --Webmistress Manda
The bare bones, naked (heh heh I said naked) truth behind the legend.  I am TOO a legend.
classic manda
Late Fall 1983
Where it all began.  This is what I looked like before becoming the margarine of evil.  Aww...aderber.
Goo goo.  Ass.
Spearmint Rhino, here I come!
This is what you've all been waiting for...FULL FRONTAL NUDITY!  Well, near full.  Whatever.  Basically I look the same, minus the diaper.  Tee hee.
Summer 1984
Tender, ain't it?
Uncle Jack and me in the ol' Ebner homestead.  Fun times for me.  Looks like a birthday, or whatever.  Love ya Uncle J!
Spring 1987, I think (?)
Calling all Shirley Temple wannabes...
Yeah, a real cool guy.  Shut up!  8th grade dance love!  In case you're wondering, YES I have braces and YES I let my mom cut my bangs.  Let us never speak of these travesties again.
May 1996
Oh What a Vest.
Uh-oh, another cool guy alert.  LOL.  Yeah it's Junior prom with my main man Matt Sloan.  The hair took an hour to anchor in and longer to wash out.  Theme: Oh What A Night.
May 1999
MMMbop ba duba dop.
And finally, the crowning achievement of my young life.  ME AND HANSON.  Yeah, you know you're jealous, despite what you claim.  This was backstage at the Hollywood Bowl.  I cried afterwards out of pure happiness. Tear.
July 14, 1998 (not that I remember or nuthin)
Gitchy gitcha ya ya ya.
Kick back, have a mocha chocka la ta.
These are a few pages from a scrapbook I kept from middle school through high school.  I was going to put some old school poetry I wrote, but then I realized I don't need to be taunted any more than the usual.   See what kind of stuff I was into then...and try to stifle the giggles, OKAY?
Hell yeah Baby (Babie) Spice!
Boyfriend pros and cons.  Glad I'm not making those little lists anymore...oh wait...MAN I am lame.
Don't ask about the Goya.
The little scribbles around the pages are my own additions...if you can read them I'll give you a cookie.
Snow bunny love.
I know the little "what-EVER" clip gives it away, but I admit I subscribed to seventeen magazine.  Oh the shame.