"Good morning angels " said short , little , Cody sitting in his big chair . " Good Morning Cody " said Mimi, Sora , Kari , and Yolei into the intercom , "Girl since Mimi has a lack of brains I'll have to remind you what's you skills !" ." Mimi , you are the Fashion Queen , your skill is to seek out the enemy and scare them away with your fashion comments" ." Sora , a neat and complete nagger , you scare enemies with your nagging skills" ," Kari my most decent one , your a Marshall arts expert and that's all !" , "And Yolei , your just here " ." Girls, tonight you have an important mission !" , the girls listened closer , "Girls you have to go to a Britney Spears concert !" ." AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!" cried Yolei and fainted to the floor ,Kari turned pale white and Sora started to shiver and Mimi curled up into a ball and started rocking back and forward ." I'm scared !!" said Sora as the 4 girls stood in front of stadium ."If I go in there I won't come out alive !" said Yolei shaking , "She has really bad fashion that's my problem !" said Mimi , "Girls we're just going to watch Britney Spears for an hour !" said Kari .The 4 girls walked out of the stadium pale white , "That was the scariest moment of my life !" said Kari , everyone nodded in agreement with her .As the girls walked down the alley Sora felt some one watching them . "Girls do you feel some one watching us ?" "No !" . Just then four men had walked out in front of them .
"Uh hi !" said Mimi ," Who are you ? "asked Yolei , "Get out my way !" said Sora ."You are going to have to excuse them they just got out of a Britney Spears Concert !" said Kari . "We don't have to excuse them ", said one of the men ." We are Izzy's Devil's !" said one of the men . "Oooooooookay , who's Izzy ?" asked Mimi ." Our master ! and your Charlie's Angels right ? "asked the last man , "No we're Cody's Angels !"." Well , can you tell us what your skills are and who you are ?" asked Kari." I'm Davis , my skill is ,is ,is , well I don't have one !", once again Digi-girl wrote , "I'm Tai , just acting insane is what I do !" ," I'm Tk , I'm here because I'm cool , and I'm the ladies man !" , "And I'm Matt , and my sidekick Mr Fishy !{Matt pulls out a rubber fish } with our powers were gonna dominate everybody !" . Mimi looked at Matt weirdly , while Kari looked at Tk sweetly , meanwhile Yolei fell in love Davis , at the same Sora Tai knowing he's dumb but hot . They were soo dazed that they didn't know noticed that they were being captured ... { mean while Cody's gets the signal that the girls are in trouble } "0h , this wasn't suppose to happen wasn't it Digi-girl?" { looks at where Digi-girl was and sees a note from her that says " your screwed bye"}. "Okay Cody you have two options you run around singing "Independent woman" or go save the girls !" . { as Cody thinks the girls are captured} "Where are we going ?" asked Sora . { Mimi grabs Matt Mr. Fishy and throws it down the sewer } "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ! you killed Mr. Fishy ! "  {Matt turns white and faints } . Cody is now dressed in , army pants , a white undershirt , army boots , and a bandana around his head that matches his pants and he has a gun ." I'm coming girls , I coming !" . As Cody runs off Digi-girl thinks to herself , "What am I getting myself into " . Matt still has not recovered from his shock of Mr. Fishy death . TK looks at Kari . He starts to like her ."Your out of control !" Tk yells at her and pulls her into another room ."What the ?- Kari said but she was cut off by Tk's kiss , Kari pushes him off . "What the heck what was that for ?" " Cuz , I think your pretty !"  he replied making Kari blush. Kari pulled Tk closer to her and kissed him at the same time thinking " I wonder if Britney Spears is now Jay Leno tonight ? " ... Meanwhile Cody is running down the side walk where Digi-girl and Matchmaker are standing on Digi-girl's apartment balcony . Cody is singing " Now you know how far I go to be the next freak show Japanese psycho ! " at the same time Matchmaker asks Digi-girl " What the heck did you write ?" and Digi-girl replies " Well you know I had alot of sugar while writing this and I went crazy like always ! "... Meanwhile Sora is flirting with Tai and Mimi is making a move on Matt , and Yolei is kissing Davis .Oh and Tk and Kari are still making out in the next room.Tk and Kari run out with sweat and messy hair laughing their heads off . Just then Cody runs in still singing ."Girls were going home now !" , the girls moan and groan ."Bye Tai !" , said Sora still flirting with Tai , "You got my number right Davis ?". Kari walks up to Tk and kisses him at the same time slips her number into his pocket. Digi-girl and Matchmaker run into the scene . " Digi-girl your out of control when you write !" complained Matchmaker , Yeah but it's a living !"replied Digi-girl . two weeks since this story was once . "I hated that Mr. Fishy I couldn't handle it so I through it !" bragged Mimi to Matchmaker but Digi-girl wasn't listening . "Digi-girl listen to me!" whinned Mimi , "Why I wrote the story? reminded Digi-girl. Cody comes through the intercom , girls we have a new comer to Cody's Angels he said over the intercom . The door opens and out comes Mr. Fishy . "Oh there is no God !" complained Mimi.