Facts About Jacob Christopher Underwood The Rockin' Rebel
Birthday: April 25, 1980 Hometown: El Cajon, California
Jacob is the rebel of the group. His roots are in rock music, and he gets the chills when he listens to Michael Jackson, as well as DC Talk and Creed. He started doing duets with his dad in first grade, and he plans on releasing a cd of heavier songs down the road. If they ever made a doll of Jacob, he says it would have real hair for his dreads, and a tattoo. Jacob's tattoo is written in Hebrew, and it means "Jesus Christ Is Our Savior." He is a total rocker on-stage, and this I know, as I have seen him in concert. He co-wrote Take Me Under, "Thats song, half of it was originally a poem that I wrote about a girlfriend that I had..." Jacob has stated that he wants, "To provoke emotion in somebody, like they've done with me -- That's what I want to do." He calls himself a pretty outspoken person. "-And a lot of time, when my opinion comes out, it's not my opinion, it's my tiredness and edginess." He does not like people bossing him around. With his room, Jacob wanted to bring the ocean inside, so he had waves and a mural of an ocean scenery, complete with an octopus, and a blue light under his bed. Jacob, on his room- "I come in here and pick up my guitar and it's like I'm in another world." He likes to watch Friends, and he admires the actors Edward Norton and Mel Gibson. He plays the guitar at their concerts for "Love Should Be A Crime", one of his favorite songs, along with Ashley on his guitar, and he also plays for "We Fit Together." |