Name: Ken Ichijouji (The Digimon Emperor)
Grade: 6
Age: 12
Voice Actor: Derek Stephen Prince
Extra Info: Has the same voice as Veemon and Demidevimon
Crest: Kindness
Name: Wormon
Digivolved from: ?
Digivovle to: Stingmon
Level: Rookie
Attack: ?
Extra Info: He is a worm
Opinion: His voice is too whiny
Name: Stingmon
Digivolved from: Wormon
Digivovle to: Paildramon
Level: Champion
Attack: Stinging Strike
Extra Info: It's a worm guy
Opinion: um...
Name: Paildramon
Digivolved from: Stingmon and ExVeemon
Digivovle to: ImperialDramon
Level: DNA
Attack: Desperado Blaster
Extra Info: He DNA digivolved like Omnimon did
Opinion: DNA digivolve creeps me out
Name: ImperialDramon
Digivolved from: Paildramon
Level: DNA/Mega
Digidestined: Ken and Davis
Additional Info: Its a Mega DNA what more do you want?
Opinion: More of a dragon, less of a humanoid