English for

The book is written by students at Nova and TALK schools of English. 
Please visit the Greeting for Happy New Year 2001
There are many students who are helping with the questions and the information in the book.

IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, you can write to these students

ahiquera56@hotmail.com   (He enjoys golf, he's from Colombia and he has wonderful children -- he will describe them to you!)

pi_ying_chen@yahoo.com  (Her uncle works at Yeung's Chinese Restaurant, which has a sushi bar!  She wants to make friends in South Florida)    Her other email is piying1004@hotmail.com

danibabe81@hotmail.com  (She will become a doctor.  She typed most of the ESL book -- thank you, Daniela!)

alexis_salfatte@hotmail.com  (He can answer your computer questions)

pornyuka@yahoo.com (Pornyupa is a sweet person and she writes beautifully)

boteromesa@aol.com  (Lina, a nice mother and someone who has patience)
If you want to learn more about this book, you can go to the TABLE OF CONTENTS. 

You can
see the first chapter

We are beary beary happy to tell you about our ESL book...
  "I´m very happy forming part of this useful project. This book will be great to the students and they can update it always. If you want to write something about the customs of your country, jokes, advices, or if you have some question about anything here in the USA.......write to the editor, who is Steve at englishlesson@mail.com ........ your advice will be put in this book to help other students, and your questions will be answered".

   Daniela Patruno.
HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES of web sites that my students recommend...
This is a very interesting page about Paul Coelho. He is my favorite writer and he is from Brazil...I hope you like him. You can have the page in any language, and they also sell his books. Enjoy it!
           Site do Paulo Coelho -
These are some of
the authors
of the
ESL book
this page is located at www.oocities.org/talkinternational/esl.html
What is ESOL?

---------- Original Message -------------
I checked  your  website and made some notes. I have questions.
ESOL is some international exam or it gives some confirmation of using language?
it is a way of learning which you create?
Dorota P.  (Student from Poland)

There are several abbreviations in English teaching.

English for Speakers of Other Languages

English as a Second Language

English as a Foreign Language

Test of English as a Foreign Language

Send your questions to Steve at
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