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Stephan McCrea Marketing Program and Research Analyst www.stevemccrea.com 1+ 954.646.8246 Global Cooling Seminars for schools, parents, teachers 5 Technology for the Classroom and Home Low-cost Web Pages Carbon Calculations "Global Cooling" responses for a warmer planet Life-Cycle Data Analysis Marketing Any Way analyst@comcast.net P.O. Box 30555 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33303-0555 Marketing to Many Ways of Learning My concept of "creating a book" goes like this: 1. There are at least 7 different ways of learning new material. Most people do NOT learn by reading. Only two learning methods are taught in school (analysis through numbers and linguistic-sequential, or "learning by looking at symbols on the page.") For more information about the 7 learning methods, see a google search on "Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligences" 2. When asked to follow directions to assemble a kit (such as a do it yourself shelf or cabinet), most people do not read the directions. Some people look at pictures, some ask someone else to help them figure it out, some call a friend who has done it before, some just jump right in and (when there are three pieces left out) then redo it until it is done right, and some people 3. Authors who want to reach a wider audience need to consider the above two points: how can you imitate the popular selling authors? Stephen King's words are read onto audio tape and CD. His stories are made into movies. Some are turned into comic books or illustrated books. 4. Print on Demand allows anyone with a word processor to create a book for less than about $1000 and have it available - without having to store 3000 copies in a garage. 5. In addition to creating the book, authors can appeal to other ways of getting the story or information into print by a) reading the book on CD (with added commentaries); b) making an abridged version on a web site; c) creating a fan club where the book can be discussed; d) hiring someone like me to interview you and making a DVD with commentaries about the book; e) make a comic book or illustrated book or "graphic novel" version of the story.... If you are an unpublished author or if you want to see your book in print, consider going several steps beyond simply making the book available in print through Print-on-Demand. One of the leaders in print-on-demand is www.iuniverse.com. If you want me to shepherd the project, I can be hired as the project manager. I will recommend some form of additional graphic and audio forms of the book to meet the visual, social, and audio learning modes that are in the population. PRINT THIS LIST |
Stephan McCrea Marketing Program and Research Analyst www.stevemccrea.com 1+ 954.646.8246 Low-cost Web Pages Carbon Calculations "Global Cooling" responses for a warmer planet Life-Cycle Data Analysis Marketing Any Way analyst@comcast.net P.O. Box 30555 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33303-0555 Click here to see the full list of products and services |
www.stevemccrea.com You can do it yourself McCreaMarketing.com Put your message on DVD or VHS tape Your product or service can appear on a video-on-CD VIDEOkwik.com Why not create a book about you, your product or service? Books can be "Printed on Demand" for less than $15 each. When can we meet? Let's get to work... Go visit the other products and services that S. McCrea offers Call 954 646 8246 and we'll get your message on tape and digital video... Seize the day, grab the moment, it's important to "grabar su mensaje" (record your message). Email globalcooling@comcast.net Email to my cell phone s2314@tmail.com Compensation: If I ask for a fee upfront, most of my clients would not hire me. My focus is the small business owner, who is often strapped for cash. Instead of asking for a fee, I ask for a percentage of the savings or the increase in income that you gain from the video or book that we make together. For example, if you feel that the video brings in $10,000 in added speaking engagements, a small percent, 2% or 3%, could be paid to me as a professional fee for compiling the project. ($200 or $300). It might take three or four years for you to earn those engagements, but we can count on you to follow through and share a bit of what you think the video has done for you. When I'm on my death bed, will I be happy that I turned down work because "the client didn't have the money"? No. I'm glad when someone like Pat Harris, a motivational speaker, can get her "in the moment" speaking style captured on video and then her message about curbing domestic violence can get distributed, largely at no cost to the listener, to students and their parents who need to learn about the cycle of violence. I should be paying her for the privilege of helping her get her message out. Low-Cost Marketing Services for Small Businesses Do you want to make your own web page? Find directions for oocities.com >>> See a sample web page <<< View some samples www.oocities.org/talkinternational/instruction.html Do you want to find a domain name (and register it yourself)? Under $10/year. www.godaddy.com Do you want a "vanity 800-number"? $250/month http://www.800response.com/directory/search.cgi (easy-to-remember 800-phrases, such as 1-800-NEW-CARS, which can be rented for a targeted group of area codes) Is Your Low-Cost 800-Number available? Click here to check availability (ATT web site) If you have trouble with finding a low-cost vanity 800 number, write to analyst@comcast.net and I'll assist you at $15 to search for 15 possible names. After you find the 800/877/888/866 number that is available for you, I can reserve it for you with Reliable Telecom. Low-Cost Editing and Proof-reading Do you need feedback on grammar? Structure? How readable is your document? Check the "Style Manual" for improving readability. Get a book printed -- Do you have an interesting product or service? Make a name for yourself and your product by creating a book. Books lead to speaking engagements. I'll show you how to get your ideas/product into a book. www.iUniverse.com (contact me if you need an editor). Does your project need a feasibility report? An outside evaluation? Here's a sample of a feasibility study that my colleagues and I can compile for you. http://business.creatingthefuture.org/parking/parking.htm Green Marketing Global cooling to reduce the impact of your use of fossil fuels Carbon dioxide can be absorbed by trees sponsored by your business. www.treesftf.org Global Cooling Global Cooling Calculations (Angel) I'm a consultant, trainer and a teacher. If you don't know how to get on radio and TV interview shows, how to arrange book signings and how to set up a web site for your book or project I can teach you to maintain many marketing functions by yourself. I can complete these tasks for you: $50 to $75 per hour. Steve McCrea Program and Research Analyst Marketing Resources Multicultural Consulting Web page educator analyst@comcast.net 1+ 954 646 8246 Box 30555 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33303 SKYPE SteveFortLauderdale MSN SteveEnglishTeacher@hotmail.com VideoKwik.com Do you need a short video put on the Internet? Youtube and dvd production House tours Editing on Macintosh Camera: Panasonic DVX100A DVD And CD duplication available MORE INFORMATION ABOUT VIDEOS Seminars Fear of Technology: how to harness your fears of technology to compete with China and India Click HERE www.stevemccrea.com CDsForParents.com Educational Videos and Workshops MathForArtists.com (tutoring service and educational videos) Do you want to find interesting math problems for your child? Does your child need to prepare for the SAT verbal and math? www.futureoffortlauderdale.com <<< Walkable City www.teacherstoteachers.com Friend's web site: www.WhatDoYaKnow.com www.creatingthefuture.org Fabulous marketing by www.bacayao.com SAT LINKS Pages for studying the SAT Some of McCrea's Clients www.statueofworldpeace.com www.educationalexcellence.net www.gaiglobal.org www.longtermcapitalcompany.com www.treesftf.org Trees for the Future Global Cooling Campaign www.angelfire.com/fl4/globalcooling/ Workshops Learn how to be a better teacher of English TIPS for improving your score on the SAT Mr. McCrea's Math Tutorial (for Parents and Students) McCrea's "Free Web Site in 30 Minutes" Workshop See a SAMPLE WEB PAGE Do you want to get started today? FREE LESSON Carbon Calculations Carbon Emissions Calculations about your carbon emissions Estimate for global cooling Visit another Global cooling web page Trees for the Future -- Global Cooling Center in USA |