www.DemocracyBonds.com |
Building International Bridges by Internet Do you want to help build a safer future? BIBBI |
Take the FLAT CHALLENGE -- How much do you know about the 10 forces behind outsourcing of jobs to CHINA and INDIA? And where is Bangalore anyway? |
Take the FLAT CHALLENGE -- How much do you know about the 10 forces behind outsourcing of jobs? And where is Bangalore anyway? |
Learn about Thomas Friedman |
Task for students: Do a search on the Internet about Thomas Friedman... 1) What parts of his experience prepared him for discovering the "level playing field"? 2) Where did he work in the Middle East? 3) What aspect of his job could be "outsourced"? Click here to hear quotes from Mr. Friedman's interview with Tim Russert dfriedmanrussert Click here to read quotes from The World Is Flat dfriedmanquotes Click here to read an excerpt from The World Is Flat (First Chapter) dfriedmanflatchapter1 Click here to read an excerpt from his book Lotus dfriedmanlotus1 Friedman's wish for President Bush and the USA "I hope that the President will take up the agenda of making America energy independent and its young people economically skilled, empowered and enabled to be successful in a flat world. We don't have three-and-a-half years to wait for another President to maybe pick up this agenda. I would love to be George Bush's biggest booster in an agenda to make America strong and thriving in the new flat world." -- spoken 29 April 2005 on Tim Russert's talk show More materials will be added to this web page when permission to post this information is placed here. Go to the TASKS page... |
How well do you know geography? Know the borders, mountains, valleys, buildings and water (seas, rivers, lakes and oceans) of each country.... |
Click here to hear quotes from Mr. Friedman's interview with Tim Russert Click here to read quotes from The World Is Flat Click here to read an excerpt from The World Is Flat (First Chapter) Click here to read an excerpt from his book Lotus Go to the TASKS page... |
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http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/opinion/letters/sfl- brmail730may29,0,2307917.story? coll=sfla-news-letters
Today's students are falling behind Steve McCrea Fort Lauderdale May 29, 2005 The graph comparing Broward's Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test results to Florida's scores (May 21) is indeed heartening. However, how do our students compare with kids overseas? New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman's recent book, The World Is Flat, points out that the Internet has leveled the economic playing field. Many of today's students will be tomorrow's outsourced unemployed -- unless investments are made, such as Friedman's call for a "moon shot" effort to find alternative energy supplies to reduce dependence on imported oil. In an interview with Tim Russert on April 30, Friedman said that "young people in China and India are more eager to learn than young people in the USA." Friedman calls for an investment in schools to promote innovation (especially in science and engineering) as an antidote to outsourcing. Your newspaper can be part of the effort by publishing the addresses of Web sites that promote science appreciation. Here are two I just found: www.hhmi.org/ coolscience/ and amasci.com/ amateur/coolsci.html. As a teacher, I applaud efforts to remind kids that the FCAT is not just another test or a way to distribute bonuses to good teachers. The FCAT is a wake-up call: China and India are running faster than we are. -- The Photo Project: http://www.forusa.org/iraqphoto/fl.htm www.civicworldwide.org support Marla's charity www.DemocracyBonds.com www.newFCAT.com HowWeLoseHistory.com |