Good news for all mentors: There are some holders of copyright on mp3 files (podcasts) who will allow the use of the podcasts for educational purposes. From: onthemedia <> To: Steve McCrea <> Subject: RE: Do you have mp3 files for education? Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 14:52:09 -0400 Steve, Thanks for your interest in On the Media and for passing it on to your students. We have no problem with you burning copies of our program for their studies. In fact, we're pleased by it. Consider our permission granted. Best, On the Media -----Original Message----- From: Steve McCrea [] Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 10:56 AM To: onthemedia Subject: Do you have mp3 files for education? I am a school tutor. I wonder if it's okay if I distribute copies of your mp3 files to my students. I have downloaded some of your broadcasts and I want my students to listen to some of the analyses. If I tell them to go to your website, about 20% go, so I figure that I could just give them the mp3 files on a cd...but my principal wants to get permission from you before I copy the mp3 files to a CD to distribute to the students . Thanks for your time Steve McCrea, Education specialist |
Radio show ON THE MEDIA is hereby recognized for supporting the Campaign for Visual and Active Classrooms |
This web page shows why you should support the CAMPAIGN for Visual and Active Classrooms |
Learn more about the Campaign for Visual and Active Classrooms |
Tune in to On the Media... see their web page and get their podcast |
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Steve McCrea makes videos to accompany the mp3 files (podcasts) that he gives to his students. |
Teachers and Parents See the Suggestions on "How to Use the ON THE MEDIA" CD |
Why do I appreciate the staff at Because their first reaction to my request (to copy their podcasts on CD and distribute the CDs to students) was "We are pleased." OKAY, it's your turn... Here is the request letter. From: steve mccrea [] Subject: is it okay to copy your podcasts and give them to my students? Hello I'm a teacher in Fort Lauderdale. I have obtained permissions from ON THE MEDIA and GEO QUIZ ( to copy their mp3 files onto a CD and give it to my students. Please let me know if it is okay if I download the mp3 files for your program to give to my students. I want to copy the mp3 files to CD and give the CDs to my students. Most of my students do not listen to radio, but I can introduce them to public radio via CD... We listen to GeoQuiz on computers in our classrooms and students take the CD home to listen to computers outside the school. With a hope of expanding your number of listeners, Steve McCrea, tutor Trying to persuade the next generation to tune in to public radio... P.S. you can see my web site at Now, imagine that you are the attorney in the "rights department" of a broadcast company. Your response could be "Sure, go ahead and copy 10 programs. That will be enough to give your students a feeling for the show. Please copy no more than 10 of the following mp3 files..." (and a list could be given)... or you could write the following: Dear Steve, Thanks very much for your interest in our content and for your desire to promote public radio to younger generations. We prefer that you simply direct your students to our podcast page rather than make copies for them. Our terms of use state that the podcasts are for personal use only, although you've given us much food-for-thought regarding educational use. Here's a link to our podcast page: [] Best, Fred Fred xxxx, Rights Department - |