www.FutureofFortLauderdale.com A list of links to web sites related to Downtown Fort Lauderdale's future. Click HERE to send comments and to recommend web links. Return to MAIN PAGE Pergolas for Pedestrians.. We need protections at corners. We need protection from rain and sun. |
This report describes other ways for meeting the needs of parking in the future. Future of Parking |
http://www.goriverwalk.com/arts.htm List of organizations that are associated with Fort Lauderdale's down town... http://www.flausa.com/destinations/location.php/location=ci-fld How does FLAUSA.com see Fort Lauderdale? Fort Lauderdale Historical Society Enclave of historical houses dating back to the early 1900’s known as Old Fort Lauderdale. The Old Fort Lauderdale Museum of History and King Cromartie House showcase the Society’s permanent collections and changing exhibitions reflecting the history and heritage of the Fort Lauderdale community. 219 SW 2 Street (954) 463- 4431 www.oldfortlauderdale.org Quality reproductions of these historic photographs are available for purchase at reasonable prices. Proceeds from the sale of photographs supports the programs and activities of the Historical Society. CLICK HERE for photos www.flhsphotos.org This web page is supported by Pedestrians in support of Arts, Shopping and Other Distractions (PisoASOD). Return to Main Page |
The city of Seattle created Pergolas for bus passengers, waiting for the next bus. >...>>>> Pedestrians could have shade and protection from rain at every corner of Downtown Fort Lauderdale... what do you think? Who will come up with a Pergola for Corners? This is a traditional pergola, with vines growing across the top of the structure. The shade is not complete but the structure gives pedestrians some protection from the sun. >>> |
The story of the Pergola in Seattle is particularly touching. Made from iron in around 1909, the Pergola was smashed by a vehicle... and the brittle iron shattered. Look at the fine restoration (top photo) |
Pedestrians want to walk where it is interesting, protected and useful. Here are some other interesting trails... >>>>>>>>>>>> Freedom Trail in Boston Imagine a row of yellow dots or a wavy green line called "The History Walk of Fort Lauderdale"... See Photos in BOGOTA See Friendly Streets |