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This is a press release from the International Red Cross

Iraq crisis: Federation launches appeal

The International Federation has appealed for 111 million Swiss francs to assist at least 305,000 people who may be forced to flee conflict in Iraq. http://www.ifrc.org/

Iraq – the International Federation appeals for 111 million Swiss francs to assist 305,000 people
20 March 2003

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is appealing today for 111 million Swiss francs (US$ 80 million) to assist at least 305,000 people who may be forced to flee a conflict in Iraq. The appeal is being made on behalf of the Red Crescent Societies in Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Syria and Turkey.

"We are deeply saddened by the fact that a peaceful solution to the Iraq crisis has not been possible and we are particularly concerned about the impact of such a conflict on the population," said Juan Manuel Suárez del Toro, president of the International Federation.

"Millions of Iraqis are living precariously as a result of twelve years of sanctions, especially the children, too young and too frail to resist more deprivation. We call upon the international community to help us bring vital help to those who need it most," said Suárez del Toro.

The funds will be used to provide shelter, health care services, food, water and other basic necessities to vulnerable families in Iraq and to refugees in Iran, Jordan, Syria and Turkey. They include costs for the contingency planning that has been put in place since October 2002 by the Red Crescent Societies of these countries, should large population movements occur.

With support from the Federation, Red Crescent Societies are prepared to assist potential refugees and displaced people as follows: 55,000 people inside Iraq, 100,000 in Iran, 25,000 people in Jordan, 25,000 people in Syria and 80,000 people in Turkey. The Kuwait Red Crescent is also on stand-by for any emergency. Relief items for an additional 20,000 people are available from Federation regional stocks, in Dubai.

Preparedness has included prepositioning of emergency relief items (including tents, blankets, jerry cans, lamps, stoves and heaters), and the training of hundreds of Red Crescent staff and volunteers in camp management and relief coordination. Red Crescent camp sites are being prepared to shelter refugees in Iran (10 camps), Jordan (1 camp), Syria (1 camp) and Turkey (6 camps).

"Some 30 emergency response units are ready to provide essential assistance in the form of health care, through field hospitals and clinics as well as access to clean water, through specialized water and sanitation equipment and teams," explains Didier Cherpitel, secretary general of the International Federation.

"This all has a cost," says Cherpitel. "Since preparations began five months ago in Iraq and the neighbouring countries, the Federation has committed 6.3 million Swiss francs but has received pledges for only 2.2 million."

This appeal represents estimated costs for nine months of operation, including the contingency phase, as well as three months of emergency relief operation and six months of rehabilitation. It could be revised, as a changing situation and needs dictate.

Related links
20/03/03 - Emergency appeal: Iraq and neighbouring countires: humanitarian crisis
Special page on the humanitarian crisis in Iraq
Make a donation

For further information, or to set up interviews, please contact:

Denis McClean, Head, Media Service - Tel: + 41 22 730 44 28 / + 41 79 217 33 57
Marie-Françoise Borel, Press officer - Tel: + 41 22 730 43 46 / + 41 79 217 33 45
Media Service Duty Phone - Tel: + 41 79 416 38 81

The Geneva-based International Federation promotes the humanitarian activities of 178 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies among vulnerable people. By coordinating international disaster relief and encouraging development support, it seeks to prevent and alleviate human suffering. The Federation, National Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross together, constitute the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

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From History.about.com

Reasons For War

The United States and the world has a duty to disarm a rogue nation like Iraq.
Saddam Hussein is a tyrant that has demonstrated a complete disregard for human life and should be brought to justice.
The people of Iraq are an oppressed people, and the world has a duty to help these people.
The oil reserves of the region are necessary to the world's economy. A rogue element like Saddam threatens the oil reserves of the entire region.
The practice of appeasement only fosters even bigger tyrants.
By removing Saddam Hussein, the world of the future is safer from terrorist attacks.
The creation of another nation favorable to US interests in the Middle-east.
The removal of Saddam Hussein would uphold previous UN resolutions and give the body some credibility.

War on Iraq Quotes

"States like these, and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world. By seeking weapons of mass destruction, these regimes pose a grave and growing danger." - President George W. Bush

"The inspectors have been given a mission...If some country or other
acts outside that framework, it would be a violation of international law."
- French President Jacques Chirac

Reasons Against War

A pre-emptive strike lacks moral authority and violates previous US policy.
The war will create civilian casualties.
The UN inspectors might be able to resolve this issue.
The liberating army will lose troops.
The Iraqi state could disintegrate.
The US and allies will be responsible for rebuilding a new nation.
There is little proof of a connection to Al-Queda.
A Turkish invasion of the Kurdish region of Iraq would further destabilize the region.
A world consensus does not exist for war.
Allied relationships would be damaged.