Well - I've finally managed to get this put onto my cross stitch program & up on my webpage.  These links should download the pattern directly into your computer - you can then resize & print however many you need. 
Dragon Wing .zip extension (for PC's - you must have either a Pattern Maker program or CLICK HERE for a free Pattern Maker viewer so that you can view & print this file).
I am still working on a .pdf format for those of you with Mac computers.  Sorry for the delay on this.  If you would like a hard copy please
EMAIL me & I will give you my snail mail.  Then all you have to do is send me a SASE (legal size) & I'll send a copy out to you.

NOTE:  The first 4 left hand rows on the chart are from the previous page on the original chart.  The e = cursive e and the n = upside u.