To Tami's Rod Stewart Page

Tami's Rod Stewart Page
Hi and welcome to my Rod Stewart Page. My name is Tami. I have been a Rod Stewart fan for over 20 years. I have seen many changes in him through the years, but some things remain the same. His ability to sing great songs, and remain one of the best performers of all time. This page is dedicated to him. I hope you enjoy it.

Here are some more pictures of Rod...Updated January 14,2001

This is my favorite picture of Rod.

(Ok, I FINALLY found one I like even more as of 1-10-01)

Rod's new CD. What do you think of it? I absolutely love it!

To other Rod sites

This is the official Rod Stewart web site. A great place for Rod info and new pics. It Rocks!

Smiler ,The Rod Stewart Fan Club

Rod's new record label...Atlantic Records Web Site dedicated to Rod

Storyteller: The Rod Stewart Internet Digest

Ritas News Page

My friend Mike's True Rod Fan Site

This is my friend Lynn's Passion

Some more friends Tyler and Cathy's Rod Page

An excellent place for Rod News and Info The Swiss Tribute

Lorrie's Rod Page

Rod's Bar

Due to the overwhelming e-mail I receive for lyrics , I have created a lyrics page. I hope you find it useful.

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Rod Friend #

Since November 11,1997...This site updated January 10, 2001 (Rod's Birthday)

Here is a direct link to Rod's catalog

Looking for a hard to find CD? Click here

Any pictures included in this site that are under copyright will be removed if asked, Thank you.