Welcome to my Akira Wing

So whats Akira? The animated movie that is believed to have made animation what it is today. This movie,in its time,had the most state of the art animation and production. Akira was originally released in manga comic form and was later turned into a movie. Akira's creater Katsuhiro Otmo aslo helped in the directing and producing of the movie. Akira's only draw back is that the orginal release had a story line that left viewers going,huh..what just happened? Akira has deep underlying plot and message to convey. After watching the movie and surfing the web I finally was able to understand certain things in the movie. But, don't get dishearted...as of now I know that Pioneer is digitally remastering the old footage and making the film in dolby digital surround sound! Akira is going to make a new debut on DVD! I urge you to visit the official Akira web site in my suggested sites area and see the difference between the old footage and the new footage. I plan to buy the new release as soon as I can. Anyway, I have read several articles in Animerica and in every article the person notes that the new Akira has a better script. Pioneer not only decided to spruce up the art and music but to redo the script too!

Since there isn't a whole lot of Akira pics floating around I will list the ones I have on this page. Feel free to copy them.

Akira contained Kaneda w/ bike Kaneda w/ bike 2 Tetsou
Movie poster Movie poster 2 Movie poster 3 Movie poster 4

Suggested Sites

Official Akira 2001 Site
