My Papillon

fun . . . beauty . . . brains . . . the best of all worlds!


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The name Papillon (pronounced pap-eee-yawn) is french for Butterfly. These
cute little dogs have this name due to their appearance. Their unique ears and facial marking look like a butterfly.

Papillons descend from the toy spaniel.
You can see pictures in old Western
Europe photos as early as the 16th century.

The little Papillon has survived rather better than the Royal Families in whose courts he was once such a favorite. Men, women and children of all ages and in all walks of life take him into their laps and hearts. Now, as truly as in the past, when he has found his way into a home, he is there to stay, as loving as he is beloved

A little tidbit about the Papillon is that Marie Antoinette chose to hold her Papillon when she was decapitated for treason on Wednesday 16th October 1793


The Papillon is an average shedder with a long, silky coat. Though they do not have an undercoat, they should be brushed several times a week, with particular attention paid to the hair behind the ears and on the belly to keep mats from forming. The nails should be clipped and the teeth cleaned regularly. Baths or dry shampoos can be given when necessary.
*NOTE: If you choose to take your papillon to a groomer be sure and make it clear that they ARE NOT to trim any ear hair. Why? Simple, the ear hair is a very distinct characteristic of the Papillon and if you clip it, it WILL NOT grow back!



Boomer, is a playful, happy, spoiled little Papillon. Since the first time we ever played ball with him, he would bring the ball back on his own. NO COACHING! We have taught him many silly dog tricks. He can lay down, sit, speak, roll over, give paw, speak, and say hi boomer. He is happy just cuddling with you or playing outside. Papillons are very adaptable dogs. HOWEVER, they do need and demand attention. They learn very quickly as well.

A Papillons bones are very tiny, therefore they can break easily. Boomer broke his leg when he was just over 6mths old. He was tring to jump over the fence to get to a cat. When he landed (on the same side he started on) his front paw flipped, twisted and snapped in 2 places. It cost $3000 to fix. he had to have surgery and a cast for 8 weeks.
