How we begin....... The MSN Experience.
          Well, our love story starts from what most young Singaporean would do during our free time. Yes, the Internet. I was kind of skeptical with the idea of finding myself a girlfriend from the cyberspace, although I do believe that love can blossom from there. My brother and my sister in law present  a living proof to me.

           On 22th November 2002 Friday,  I was doing my routine checks on all my yahoos and hotmails accounts mailbox before leaving for home. Upon exiting my hotmail account, my browser redirects me to That was a picture of a lady (I can't remember who's that fyi) and I got to know that this is called "MSN Personnal" service, whereby singles can make friends with those ladies and gentlemen who posted their pics there. So out of curiosity, I put  my car key backed into my drawer and registered myself as a free member. (haha, cheapo)

CoNNie Cheng?? CoNNie Who??
          So the first logical thing I did was to do a search on all aged 22 - 24 females residing in Singapore. And, I put a check on "With Picture Only". Haha, that narrowed down the search ar... Til then I realised that I have to need to have credit points before I can established contacts with them. Alas, there are those whom have already purchased the credits, and we, as free member (a.k.a Guest) can contact them for "FREE".

           So after the search was completed, and after browsing through their interests, and their criterias, II notice a lady by the nick of CoNNie. Connie? What a weird name, I reckoned. And what's still, it had to be spelled with two uppercase n. Unique!

           I proceed to drop her a simple message. It read
           "hellooo....loves to be your friendzz...."
           That's it. I logged off and drove back home!

Oh my god, she replied

           23 November 2002 Saturday
The morning after......

           It was my non working saturday. Woke up late and again followed my routine checks on my emails. Oh my god... this CoNNie gal had replied. 

          This is what she wrote:

Our pictures in MSN Profiler
Do we look different now.. heh heh
           Sure we can be friend :) let me simple intro myself to you I'm Connie Cheng, 23 yrs old. From Malaysia. Currently working as a clerk in Singapore. Hobbies: sports, listening music, travelling...
           I? the eldest in the family. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. My dad work as carpenter meanwhile my mum is a housewite. I came from a normal family background.
           Normally after work I'll go to jogging or playing basketball with my colleagues. During weekend, I'll go out window shopping, watching movie, exercise.... etc
           Have a nice day!
My Replied
          My name is Royston. I am a purely bred Singaporean.. hehe. However i go JB very often.. (kind of opp from you hor) Y u may ask? Because my grp of friends and I drive. And we often drive into Msia to service cars, makan, shopping blah blah blah. I loves cars and am driving a Honda Accord now... Intending to change though...
           I work in I.T field in a GLC company. Life is very stressful as a programmer. I relax myself by going fo swimming, jogging and of course sleeping :)
           I am the youngest in the family. Gotta elder bro. I stay in Clementi but works in Tampines. Wat abt you? Wat u usually do on weekend? Me? If i not goingi in JB, i will be at orchard jalan jalan. As for clubbing, very seldom, unless got kakis...
          So which state of msia were you born? Johor? Penang? Are you Singaporean or Msia? How long hv you been in Singapore? Study here or... Opps so many questions... haha...
I left home shortly after sending this reply :)