Located primarily in Brackettville, Texas with an extension in Utopia, Texas, T&T Kids is family owned and family run for young showmens' best interests. As a member of both the American Boer Goat Association and the American Meat Goat Association, the business prides quality. The family has participated in community 4-H and FFA now for ten years, with two enrolled 4-H showmen. Future participation in community 4-H and FFA clubs across Texas is assured, and we hope we can be of service to you. - T&T
T&T Kids
The Show Goats of Texas
T&T Sales Information

Sales of Percentage Boer show kids and nannies are generally made in the months of July, August, and early September.

Show kids may be dehorned or banded. If you are searching for a billy please get in touch with us as soon as possible.

Prices start at $150 and are settled with the buyer by telephone or in person.

To set up a date for a visit, or for more information, please contact:

T&T Kids
P.O. Box 181
Brackettville, Texas  78832

Ph: (830) 563-9082 or (830) 563-5580
T&T Kids. PO Box 181. Brackettville, TX. 78832. Ph: (830) 563-9082/5580
If you have any problems with the site or have questions regarding the site, please contact the site manager:
T&T Kids
Attn. Elizabeth