Ashton's page

Hello everyone, welcome to my home page. Here is my Year 2006 diary. Have fun!

Don't forget my 2004 and 2005 diary! :)

June 2006 Jun 05, 2006

May 2006 May 15, 2006 May 22, 2006 May 30, 2006

April 2006 Apr. 07, 2006 Apr. 16, 2006

March 2006 Mar. 17, 2006 Mar. 24, 2006 Mar. 31, 2006

Feburary 2006 Feb. 09, 2006 Feb. 20, 2006

January 2006 Jan. 16, 2006 Jan. 9, 2006

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January 2006
Jan 09, 2006

It had been a hard time for us the past week. I had the hardest time adjusting to my new daycare. One day I cried for 4 hours (non-stop). One day I came back without eating lunch. One day I came back without taking a nap. One day I came back with sitting all the time while taking my nap. We were all depressed and mommy had cried several times. I told her pa (scared in chinese) when she picked me up the first day. That just broke her heart and she cried while driving back home. I am the youngest in the daycare and I could only say some English words not sentences so the language adds to the problem too.

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Jan 16, 2006

By now I have finally made a couple of friends at Jen's daycare. When daddy and mommy ask me whom I play with there, I'll tell them - Evan and Angela. Evan is a friendly 3-year-old boy. Jen said we gave hugs to each other all day long. Angela is only a month older than I am. But she seems very comfortable there since she joined the group when she was only 4 months old!

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Feburary 2006
Feb 09, 2006

Last week I got a bad cold from mommy. I had a fever of up to 100 degrees. Mommy could feel it when my burning hands touching her face. It finally got better after a day and a night. But I didn't feel like eating even milk. This is the other reason why I have gotten thin out quite a bit. Mommy said we'll work on it and try to gain it back. I am 86cm tall when daddy had me stand by the wall and measured me : )

Feb 20, 2006

We had a Valentine's party at daycare on Valentine's Day. Mommy was told to prepare little gift bags for me to pass around to other kids. Of course I got all kind of little gifts from them too! It was fun and I love the book Swathi (an Indian girl) gave me. Emma stopped by on the night of Valentine's Day with her mom Brooke to visit her next door Valentine (-that's me!). She prepared a toy monkey for me and a pink box of juice! It tasted great! I squeezed the box and the juice came out of the straw to my face. But that's ok. That's our Champaign! Mommy also prepared a mug (for best daddy) and had me hold the wrapped box and give it to Daddy. We opened a box of nice chocolate last night and I loved it! Hope you had a sweet and pink Valentine's Day too!

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March 2006

Mar 17, 2006

Mar 24, 2006

Mar 31, 2006

We stick to my schedule for napping, eating, and going to bed. It helps me feel more secure and in control. As I know what to expect every day, there is less resistance when it's time to transition from one activity to another for me. Actually sometimes I request to sleep when it's my bedtime! How nice is that for daddy and mommy!

April 2006
Apr. 07, 2006

I like to build a thin and tall tower of blocks, I know what to do with the pieces and then come up with a plan for creating the structure. So when mommy offers me a different block, I'll tell her, "No mama, this one!" She'll delightedly say, "OK!" We have a lego table in our family room (i.e. my playroom) for me to do crafts or to climb on. Mommy keeps a few washable markers, crayons, mini-trucks and toy cookingwares in the drawer so I'll always have supplies for my art projects on hand!

Apr. 16, 2006

May 2006
May 15, 2006

I will freely hug and kiss daddy and mommy, and love to be chased when called. I just love running around and playing peek-a-boo. I don't totally understand what it means to cooperate, but I recognize that it makes them happy when I do. I sometimes even help with some chores, such as putting away books and toys when them suggest it. We play housekeeping game at the daycare center almost everyday and I know how that is like!

May 22, 2006

Debbie does the good morning dance with us starting from 9 every morning. I usually am dropped off later than that but I did make it a couple of times. When I showed Mommy at home with my arms wide open saying "Good morning, Ashton! Good morning, Debbie!" I saw her smile again and called daddy to see me to do that. There are times when they got lost about what song I'm singing and what dances I'm doing. And I couldn't explain to them! Sometimes they try to find out from the daily activities from my dairy written by the daycare teachers.

May 30, 2006

Mommy plays a CD with my favarite alphabet song and chickenling song before my bedtime. I'll sing along when it comes to "Now you see, I can sing my ABC" or "Tell me what you think of me" or "Chickenling, chickenling, run away" and do the chicken dances! Mommy will smile each time when I do the chicken dance moves, which encourages me to do more!

June 2006
June 5, 2006

Mommy takes me to the park sometimes by the wagon and sometimes by the stroller while daddy tries to mow the lawn or do some other yard work. I know daddy would LOVE to come with us, but they have to do things seperately sometimes b/c we are so busy! And knowing I'm having fun, they are happy! The past Sunday, mommy took me to the park again. I said "Hold on!" while mommy saying that when I was climbing up and down. I'm better walking down the steps now. I wanted to try those robes to climb up but mommy said that's for big kids. When I insisted on trying that, mommy would just have to support me all the way up there. Then we saw some tractors in the other end of the soccer field. I'm excited about the idea of going to see the tractors that mommy brought up. It was not too close to where we were. Mommy said "It's far away!" when pushing the stroller and I just repeated what she said - "Far away!". It was so fun to get close to the big tractor and to actually sit in it (b/c nobody was using it)! It was windy and I didn't mind at all. Mommy was standing by me on the ground and I felt I was so tall! That was awesome! Well of course it took mommy a while to leave from there. I was able to stop by the park and play a second time as she promised when we left the tractors. Also I was able to play my toy mower after we got home as she promised when we left the park. Sometimes we negociate : ) I'm glad she listens to me sometimes and even to my powerful NO's.

Diary 2005

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Diary 2004

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