Tango Adentro

"Raison d'etre" of this site

Tango Adentro - Tango Inside

Inside not only refer to the venue. Inside also refers to the essence of my dancing. Tango is an inner experience. The most important aspect of dancing tango is not what you see outside, but what is felt inside.

I am not organizing any indoor event, so this site will, for the moment, just provide information on tango events in Toronto, and some links to other tango related sites worth visiting. Hope you enjoy your visit.

The book on me - or at least, my dancing

Philosophical moments - What is tango?

Updated!  More reading - Tango thoughts from others...

Nuevo!  Por fin, una pagina en espaņol.
Pensamientos sobre el tango

A brief intro to tango in Toronto

Squandering dancing time - Links to other tango web-sites

Without it, we cannot dance - The music and the poetry

Asfalto Tango - Toronto's outdoor milongas -

Tell me what you think - tango_adentro@yahoo.ca