111Botany Name :Pedalium murex    
Tamil name :Yaanai nerunjil
Habit :Herb
Parts use :Whole plant
Constituents :The four angled spiny fruit contains a mucilaginous
alkaloid fat, resin, gum,and ash.
:Leaves are antibilious. seeds are demulcent,
diuretic,tonic, muscilaginous and Aphrodisiac.

112 Botany name:Phaseolus mungo
Tamil name :Pachchai payaru                   
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Seeds and tender parts
Constituents :Seeds contain albuminoids and starch
Action :
Seeds are nutritious. in large quantities
it is an aperients.

113 Botany name:Pyllanthus niruri                
Tamil name :Keezha nelli
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Whole plant
Constituents :Rich in potassium
:This is an ideal Medicinal plant to cures
jaundice,For cobra bite. This also approved very effective
in treating liver. Spleen and kidney inflammation.This purifies the blood too. dysentery and dyspepsia.

114 Botany name :Piper nigrum
Tamil name :Milagu                
Habit :Climber
Parts used :Dried Unripe fruit
Constituents :A Volatile alkaloid Piperine and piperidine.
:Black pepper is acrid, Pungent,hot, carminative,
and antiperiodic. Externally it is Rubefacient,stimulant
and resolvent., on the mucous membrane of the urethra it acts
like cubebs. piperin is mild antipyretic and antiperiodic.

115 Botany name :Pistia stratiotes            
Tamil name :Aakasa thaamarai
Habit :Offset
Parts used :Leaves and petiole
Constituens :Plant contains mineral salts and silicic acid ash contains potassium chloride and sulphate.
:Refrigerant, demulcent, laxative, and emollient.

116 Botany name:Pongamia glabra                                
Tamil name :Pungan
Habit :Tree
Parts used :Seeds,stem,leaves, fruit, and oil, from the seeds.
Contituents :Seeds yield an oil known as pongamia oil,
or honge oil.seeds also contain traces of an essential oil. bark contains bitter alkaloid.
Action :
Seeds, leaves,root and oil are antiparasitic.
bark is astringent. powdered seeds are febrifuge and tonic
and have expectorant properties. Leaves are also cholagogue,
astringent, alterative,stimulant and parasiticide.oil is
antiseptic and stimulant.

117 Botany name :Psidium gujava
Tamil name :Koyya                
HabitA :Small Tree
Parts used :Whole plant
Contituents :Bark contains tannin, resin and crystals of
calciuk oxalate. leaves contain a volatile oil.root stem-bark
and leaves contain a large amount of tannin acid. fruit are rich in vitamins.
Action :
Stem bark and root-bark are astringent,
febrifuge and antiseptic. fruit is laxative, tonic and cooling.
leaves are astringent, diuretic and carminative.

118 Botany name:Ptychotis ajowan
Tamil name :Omam                    
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Fruit
Constituents :An aromatic volatile essential oil
Action :
Seeds posses defusible,stimulant, stomachic,
carminative, tonic, aromatic,pungent, antispasmodic and antiseptic properties.

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