91 Botany name :Impatiens balsamina
Tamil name :Kasithumbai
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Flowers and whole plant
92 Botany name:Indigofera enneaphylla
Tamil name :Cheppu nerunjil
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Whole plant
Constituents :Indican, the oxdized frome the luc-indico is
obtained frome the fermentation of the fresh plant this yield
Action :Juice is the alterative, also
and infusion of the plant is alterative, diuretic, febrifuge,
cooling and refrigerant. indico is antiseptic and astringent.
93 Botany name :Indigofera tinctoria
Tamil name :Avuri
Habit :Shrub
Parts used :Plant ant expressed juice [indico]
Constituents :The oxidized product of the juice contains
chiefly indigotin or indigo-blu
Action :Stimulant, antiperiodic, analgesic,
alexipharmic and antidote.
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