Metal Gear Solid is a espionagegame for the psx.
You're playing Solid Snake, once again called back to duty. Your mission: save the world from the nuclear  launcher wich the terrorist will use when the gouvernment doesn't give in to their demands. They want the remains of big boss. With that remains they create some kind of superior soldats.
So, to save the world you must do a few things: at first you must save some persons, and then you have to abort the launch of the nuclear launcher. The persons you have to rescue are two hostages: the DARPA-chief, Donald Anderson and the President of Arms-tech,
Kenneth Baker. And when you've rescued them, you must stop the launching of the nuclear launcher....
Metal Gear Solid is a game with a lot of excitement. A lot of things aren't what you think they are, and a lot of persons aren't as nice and good as you think. It tells also a lot about the ones who are involved in this mission. You'll get from almost everyone to know why they do what they do, and why they are on you're side, or not.
The gameplay is easy, and logically. And the VR-mission, wich you can do at the beginning, can be very hulpfull if you just want to get used to the controls. The first part of the game, in the basement wich is coming out in a elevator can also be seen as a practice level.
The interface is very handy. The weapon menu and the special items menu are easy to use. The radar is very easy, because it shows you where you are and where the enemys are.
When you need help you can call the persons on your side, and they will help you. Sometimes they can't help you, and then you'll have to do it on your own...
Solid Snake while fighting with Vulcan Raven
Solid Snake nd the DARPA-chief
Solid Snake and his brother Liquid Snake
Solid Snake seen by 2 guards
Metal Gear Rex