Pictures Of RAF Bentwaters Demolition by Ken Cook from Eyke.

I live in Eyke near the old Bentwaters base and drive by most days. I have taken a few snaps of the demolition work in progress by the new owners and thought your guests might enjoy seeing them if you can possibly put them on the site.

Most of the old Domestic Site is pretty much flattened except for the family housing area, the Mission Support Building & Community Centre (both leased to civilian companies), the Burger King (which is to be upgraded and made the Rendlesham Village - which is what Bentwaters is now called - Shop and Post Office), and some of the newer buildings near where the Officer's Club once stood. The Camelot Theatre (now known as the Angel) has a reprieve until about Sep/Oct at which time it will probably be flattened. The flight line side (Operational Site) is also undergoing a lot of clearance but certainly not as "savage" as on the Domestic Site. This side is known as Bentwaters Park and the Kemble family who bought most of it have been very sympathetic in their clearance programmes. The old Control Tower looks better than when the USAF had it and is now the home of a small museum dedicated to the history of the 81st TFW.

I could not get any closer as the demolition company have a 6 foot fence around the entire area and entry is restricted to those associated with the demolition. Keep up the good work on the site - I'm sure everybody really appreciates your efforts. Kind regards, Ken Cook

(Hold mouse on pic for for larger image)

base exchange enlisted club bus shelter queens highway
former raf bentwates sign main drag into base enlisted dormatory dormatory demolition
base demolition base demolition usaf clinic raf bentwaters main drag