Suggested for downloading:
KMFDM - New American Century

Most Recent Update:
Byelobog - 1/14- 7:05 PM
Eric's Online Music
Don't sacrifice your freedoms.
The original Tanzen lineup (from left: Byelobog, Perj, Rip, and Taco) are reunited once again to prove their worth to the masses.
Fore & Aft
Doesn't work, but it's there anyway
Probably not, but it's ok

Byelobog - Has somewhat left Tanzen on a somewhat uncertain basis. Due to a girlfriend and the wear and tear of the school year, Byelobog has somewhat retired from Tanzen. Yet, he has kind of joined another band that plays funny music.
Der Kaiser - What the fuck? I don't know.
Perj - In Ventura doing whatever he does there. His visits to Lompoc will include Altisonus meetings, though.
Rip - Continues to be the surrogate drummer for whatever group of people show up at his house. His status in Tanzen is unknown.
Taco - Plays with Der Kaiser to this day. Has somewhat taken the place of Byelobog in whatever Tanzen has become if it is even Tanzen at all. Probably not. Plans on buying Byelobog's Bassman 200 bass amp.

In summary, Tanzen is indefinite. I can't tell you if it is dead or thriving. Oh well.

-Byelobog, 12/7/04
- Amended by Taco.
- Blue text is Byelobog correcting Taco.

Byelobog - Has somewhat left Tanzen on a somewhat uncertain basis. Due to a girlfriend and the wear and tear of the school year, Byelobog has somewhat retired from Tanzen. Yet, he has kind of joined another band that plays funny music: Green Day. Byelobog also has recently been nominated to be the bass player for the band consisting of a Mr. Ogan, Mr. Lopez, and Mr. McCluer to play other funny music like Rush and Steve Vai.
Der Kaiser - A current Public Defecation whore. Working on a project with Taco and drummer Jim Darling, (Chaz never showed up.). As well as some other project with a Mr. Abbott on bass.
Perj - In Ventura doing whatever he does there. His visits to Lompoc will include Altisonus meetings, though.
Rip - Continues to be the surrogate drummer for whatever group of people show up at his house. His status in Tanzen is unknown. Could it be possible that anything that is nurtured from Rip's garage is Tanzen? I don't know.
o - In a project with Der Kaiser, playing Kaiser's music on bass. Has somewhat taken the place of Byelobog in whatever Tanzen has become if it is even Tanzen at all. Probably not. Is in the process of paying for Byelobog's Fender Bassman 200 bass amp.

In summary, Tanzen is indefinite.
It's not quite dead, but is definitely not thriving.

-Taco, 12/16/04
Der Perj
We are talking about reuniting TANZEN, and keep it true to the original idea of playing feel-good songs and covers.

To stay current, I will be working on the website to update and/or reform it.
Jesus, what the hell were we thinking ?
By the way, Happy Birthday: Christmas ended an hour and a half ago.
Vlade retired
No, seriously. Tanzen may be back ;-). After being stored away in the cold, dank recesses of our minds, the band created to dominate the world has come around again. High school has been over for awhile and reality is starting to suck. The remedy? Let's pull Tanzen from its grave and have some fun. A possible total redesign of this site may be in the works in the near future. Enthusiasm is slowly returning to Eric, Paul, Kasey, and XPS (probably incapable of enthusiasm, but oh well). A new sound, new equipment, replenished personas...a new beginning. There once was a dream that was Tanzen...that dream could still be realized.

                                         -Paul (am I still Byelobog, or what?), 1/14/07
Granted Eric and I are the only ones that look at this, I'll write as if we had masses of fans that adore us.
Depending on your point of view, Tanzen is either over or being born again. I guess either way it's over, then. Eric (Taco), Paul (Byelobog), and Kasey (Der Kiser) will reunite under a new moniker, Flugzeug, along with drummer Morgan Good and guitarist Mike Signorelli. The Tanzen project as it has been known for over three years has been put on indefinite hiatus, as Flugzeug prepare to play their first show on April 7. Goodnight, fair Tanzen. You were a worthy vessel that not much happened in.

                                                                                        -Paul (Byelobog), 4/4/07
...more to come...
