Welcome to my Guestbook!

uncleml (M.L.) - 10/23/00 15:50:21
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~uncleml/
My Email:hwood@galaxyinternet.net
Favorite Verse: I John 4:4
Favorite Musician(s) or Singer(s): Intercessions
Favorite Song: Amazing Grace
How did you found this site?: from my guest book

I enjoyed you page. This is a real Christian page. I have no favorite URL. As long as they are Christian, I like them all. In Jesus' name. M.L.

Tom - 10/06/00 03:43:08
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/tappearson
My Email:tappearson@hotmail.com

I'm very sorry to report that I had to redo this guestbook again today because of some vulgarity that someone put on the old guestbook. Unfortunately, when I copied the old, many of the URLs, E-mails, and other things didn't save. So, much was lost. If you posted before and do not see your URL or anything that you put on before, feel free to add again UNLESS you intend to use vulgarity. Vulgarity, swearing, etc are prohibited on this site. Please, keep it clean! Tom

T. Mack - 10/06/00 03:39:20
How did you found this site?: From your visit to my site

A really interesting and informative site. Thanks for using your talents to make anothers life better. Mack

JoAnn - 10/06/00 03:38:12
How did you found this site?: Another guestbook

Thanks for letting me visit. JoAnn

Cassie - 10/06/00 03:37:07
Favorite URL: http://www.1believe.com
Favorite Verse: Ps 1:1
Favorite Musician(s) or Singer(s): Kim Burell,Kevin Bond
Favorite Song: Joy of My Desire
How did you found this site?: I am creating my own web page on Yahoo and I was checking out the otheres

thanks for the information..I am alwau\ys looking for christian resources as a musician and worship leader! KEep up the good work and I hope more people sign yur guestbook!

Bob - 10/06/00 03:34:36
Favorite URL: http://www.cbnnow.com
How did you found this site?: You signed my guestbook too.

Bob - 08/22/00 16:10:54 My URL: My Email: Favorite URL: www.cbnnow.com How did you found this site?: You signed my guestbook too. Comments: Thanks for stopping by my site. I invite you back anytime to hear some musical updates. God Bless, Bob Mazzo <>

- 10/06/00 03:31:32
Favorite URL: http://www.kensrestingplace.tripod.com
Favorite Verse: John 3:16
Favorite Musician(s) or Singer(s): The Singing Cookes
Favorite Song: last miles together
How did you found this site?: another guestbook

Hi Tom,sound like you been having trouble with your guestbook like my husband have with his guestbooks he starting on his 5th guestbook now.LOL. your homepage is really very nice and i have enjoy my visit very much and do hope you will stop by and visite my husband ken's resting place, neither of us can sings,tho ken write very beautiful gospel songs for our LORD and also been known to write songs for memorial homepages for famileys that has lost a dear one,GOD bless,chrissy

- 10/06/00 03:30:37
Favorite URL: http://www.kensrestingplace.tripod.com
Favorite Verse: John 3:16
Favorite Musician(s) or Singer(s): The


Humble Hearts - 10/06/00 03:28:40

Thank you for signing our guestbook. Most just surf on and don't sign. Your page is great. Lots of links. I didn't get through them all but I'll be back. God Bless you.

Anne Robbins - 10/06/00 03:26:43

You have a really neat site. God bless you!!

The A Team - 10/06/00 03:25:23

God bless you- we do welcome you to take a look at our site and to sign our guest book that we do have on our site - we welcome you if you are ever in the area here in Greenville,IL BLESSINGS TO YOU AND TO YOURS LOVE AND PRAYERS PASTORS/CHAPLAINS RON AND TERESA ABERT AND OUR DAUGHTER -KATHY ABERT

JP Oistad - 10/06/00 03:23:26
My URL:http://www.mp3.com/oneaprilday

You have a great site - Very family related. This is what we need to see in the Church. You are a great example. God Bless You and Your Family as you continue in your ministry. From: One April Day

Bill Topor - 10/06/00 03:21:50

Your page is very nice, God bless you and your family and friends.

Michelle - 10/06/00 03:20:00
My URL:http://http://bible.gospelcom.net/
Favorite Verse: Jer 29:11
Favorite Musician(s) or Singer(s): Steven Curtis Chapman, Darrell Evans, One April Day
Favorite Song: Your Love is Extravagant

This site will be especially helpful for our praise team members. Love, Your Wife

Carolyn - 10/06/00 03:17:33

Carolyn Basche, Tom's favorite cousin.

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