Tarnished Hearts |
Hey! Welcome to my fiction website, Tarnished Hearts. Here you'll find all kinds of writings from a lot of different authors. Right now there's a lot of stuff by Atlantica and one by Me & Mandy. You can submit a story by using the link on the stories page, or you can post it on the message board and I'll put it up when I get the chance. Questions/Comments/Suggestions? Drop me a line: e-mail: crazygliderchick@hotmail.com ICQ: 137203038 |
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since October 31st, 2002 |
A Collection of Fictional Stories |
Updates January 24, 2003 ***** -It's been 6 months to the day since I've had anything to update about, so I'm changing this from FanFic to just fiction about anything. -New stuff up ASAP |