The Worters Family Tree
Seventh Generation
Frederic Montagu Worters: Born on the 20th June, 1871. Paddington. West London.
(Saxon Spelling)                   Died on the 7th June, 1936. Auckland,  New Zealand.
                                                    Ex Royal Marines, 21 years (colour sergeant).
                                                    Royal Australian Navy for 4 years. Police 5 Years.
                                                    (Captain Provost Police).
Anne Coles: Born in 1895, England. Died 7th July 1943, Auckland, New Zealand.
                         Frederic and Ann Married on the 2nd May 1895 at Stonehouse
                         Parish, Plymouth, Devon, England.
                         They dwelt at: No 16 Union Streethouse.
Frederick Charles Worters: Born on the 24th October, 1896.Stonehouse, Plymouth, Devon.
                                                   Died on the 28th October, 1964. Died from a
                                                   Coronary. Married Rose North (no issue)
Walter Montagu Leonard (Len) Worters: Born on the 24th October, 1897. East Stonehouse, Devon
                                                                          Died in 1968, Auckland, New Zealand.
                                                                          NZ Airforce. Ex L.A.G
                                                                          Married Elsie  Milfred Pearsall in NSW, Australia
Reginald Erest Worters: Born on the 23rd July, 1899. East Stonehouse, Devon.
                                            Died on the 27th January 1984. Auckland
                                              Married Helen Mona Murphy
Annie Dorothy Worters (Dolly): Born on the 19th May, 1900. Stonehouse, Plymouth.
                                                            Died in 1971. Auckland, New Zealand.
Albert Edward Worters: Born on the 12 Befruary, 1901/2. Walmer Castle, Peterborough, Cambs
                                              Died on the 28th September, 1986. - Age 84
                                              Married Florence E. Hathaway on the 2nd September 1920 at the
                                              Holy Trinity Church, Marylebone London.
                                              Ex Royal Artillery and A.C.C.
William George Worters: Born on the 18th January, 1903. Walmer Castle, Deal, Kent,
                                                Deal Kent. Quarter Master,  New Zealand Navy.
Colin Wallace Worters: Born on the 13th December, 1906. Stonehouse, Plymouth, Devon
                                             Died on the 7th November, 1967. Christchurch, New Zealand
                                             Married Daphne Anita Gray on the 22nd March, 1930
                                             Sacred Heart Church, Addington.
Ivor Francis Medlon Worters: Born on the 6th July, 1912. Stonehouse, Plymouth.
                                                         Died on the 2nd August,1995, New Zealand
                                                         Married Doris Elizabeth Davison on the 11th June, 1932.
                                                         Born on the 7th October, 1912
                                                         Died on the 12th May, 1967
Harold Greenslade Worters: Born on the 27th July, 1916. North Sydney, New South Wales,
                                                      Died on the 20th September, 1977. Otara, Auckland,
                                                      New Zealand
Fourth Generation
Eighth Generation
Frederic is buried in the Navel section of returned servicemen at Waikumete Cemetery, Auckland New Zealand. Annie's ashes were scattered in the Naval divison.