This tutorial is written in March 2006 for PSP8.

Materials: Paint Shop Pro, Animation Shop og EyeCandy 3.1.
I used this rose tube
here and font DJ Blocks.

open a new image 500 x 400 pixels white.
(Longer if you have a long name).

Open your tube - copy - close the original. On your new image paste as a new layer.
Resize the tube to 85%. Rename this layer rose 1

Dublicate the tube - image > mirror. Rename this  layer rose 4

Effects > plugin > Eye Candy 3.1 > Perspective Shadow with these settings:
Repete Perspective Shadow with the same settings on Rose 1..

Dublicate Rose 1 twice and rename Rose 2 and Rose 3.

Dublicate Rose 4 twice and rename Rose 5 and Rose 6.

New raster layer - Rename Text
Write your text  with 2 colours from the tube (#728E39 og # E1565B)
and these settings:
Drop shadow with these settings:
Place the roses above your text:
rose 1, rose 2, rose 3, rose 4 in a row,
rose 5 same place as  rose 3 and rose 6 same place as rose 2.
See examble:
Now you are ready to animate.

Close rose 2-3-4-5-6 (red cross in the eye)
Edit > copy merged > go tol AS > Paste as a new Animation
Back to PSP > close rose 1 and open rose 2
Edit > copy merged > in AS > Paste after Current
Back to PSP > close  rose 2 and open rose 3
Edit > copy merged > in AS > Paste after Current
Back to PSP and do the same with the last 3 roses.
In AS > edit > Select All > Animation > Frame Properties
Set display time to 55.

Your animation is ready.