PSP 8 - oktober 2004
Open your tube. Pick 2 colours and minimize
Open  blinkie-image (blinki3)
Get it  here
New raster layer
Floodfill with a bright colour from your tube
Effects - texture effects -  blinds :
Move raster 2 ( = background with blinds)  to the bottom
Make raster 1 (blinkie-image) active
With your magicwand and holding shift down - mark the  8 small squares
Selections - modify - contracts - 1
New raster layer - twice (now you have 4 raster layers)
Make raster 3 activ
Floodfill 4 of the 8 small squares with a colour from your tube. Do not deselect.
Make raster 4 activ
Floodfill the 4 other small squares with another colour from your tube
Open your tube and copy  (edit - copy)
Back to your  blinkie-image
Make  raster 4 activ - paste as new layer (raster 5 = tube)
Image - resize and drop shadow
New raster layer (raster 6 = text)
Text tool
Write your text with a colour from the tube. Drop shadow.
Close raster 3 (red cross in the eye)
Edit copy merged
Open  animation shop
Edit  - paste as new animation
Back to  PSP
Close  raster 4 (red cross)
Open raster 3 (remove the red cross)
Edit copy merged
Go to AS - paste after current frame

Edit > select all.
Animation > Frame Properties > 10
File - save