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‘Promote awareness of Tasmania’s marine environment
and encourage further research and understanding.’


About the TMNA

Marine Naturalists huddle

Identifying findings over lunch during a beachwalk on Marion Bay       

An outing is scheduled each month, usually a shore walk exploring the rocky shore or a beach during a low tide to learn more about our marine life.

The Tasmanian Marine Naturalists Association is a community group comprising people with wide range of expertise and interests, ranging from amateur to professional, all with a common interest in the coastal and marine environment. The Association meets on the second Wednesday of each month in the Tasmanian Environment Centre, 2nd floor at 191 Liverpool St (oposite Spotlight). An invited speaker addresses the meeting at 7:00 pm, which is followed by the General Meeting. Members and friends are encouraged to meet at 6pm across the road in the Shamrock Hotel for a meal before the meeting.

 For special public events we mount displays and hands-on activities.

The TMNA was founded in July, 1995.   

We are a member of the Tasmanian Federation of Landcare Association as a Coastcare group. 

Sponge gardens, Bicheno 
Whilst many Australians are familiar with our tropical waters, the temperate marine waters, such as around southern Australia and Tasmania, are home to some of the most fascinating and beautiful plants and animals in the world. The nutrient-rich waters support extremely rich and diverse ecosystems. 
Many of the plants and animals that occur only in deeper waters at lower latitudes, live in much shallower waters around Tasmania. Many of these are animals and plants are unnamed and unidentified. 

The TMNA aims to learn more about this magnificent marine world and teach others what we can.

Bicheno sponge garden 

Why don't you join us?

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Membership Rates

                              1 year 2 years 3 years
Regular  $20 $35     $50
Concession  $15
Household $30  $50 $70  
Corporation $40 $65 $90

Please, print this page,

fill in the form and mail or deliver it with
your membership dues to the address below:

 Membership Form





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Mail completed form to:

The Secretary

The Tasmanian Marine Naturalists Association Inc.

C/o 191 Liverpool St, Hobart

TAS               7000

Contact us for more information: 

Dr Jane Elek 
Phone: 03 6229 8264 (h)  Email:   Secretary:  
Phone: h 
Jane at Low Head  Jane exploring the boulder reef at Low Head

Other websites of marine interest:

  • Marine Molluscs of Tasmania. A database managed by Dr Simon Grove, which compiles species descriptions and locality lists for all marine molluscs recorded from Tasmania.

  • CoastView , a Tasmanian website with links to many other marine and coastal groups.

  • Kelp Watch  monitors and reports on the status of Tasmania's kelp forests.

  • Sea Care is a community association concerned about Tasmania's kelp forests and urchin industry.

  • Marine Discovery Centre Woodbridge describes and illustrates many Tasmanian marine species found in their aquarium, and has lot of links to other marine organisations.

  • Marine Education Society Australasia, MESA, an association of marine educators in schools has a very informative and interactive website.

  • CSIRO Marine Labs operates the database: Nimpis, the National Introduced Marine Species Information System which describes the main marine species introduced into Australia; search by State or species.

  • The Coastal CRC is a research group based in Townsville which sends out a newletter about marine research.

  • Ocean Enterprises Publishers lists dozens of books, new and secondhand, on marine topics

  • SeaWeb distributes Ocean Update: a summary of marine news from around the world.

This page  is published by Tasmanian Marine Naturalists Association Inc.

It was last updated on October 31st, 2008.

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