
Types of Porpoises                        Types of Dolphins    
   Burmeister's                                Common                                         
   Dall's                                      Bottlenose
   Finless                                     Dusky
   Harbor                                      Clymene 
   Spectacled                                  Pacific White-Sided  
   Vaquita                                     Atlantic White-Sided      
                                               Killer Whale

Atlantic Hump-Backed
Atlantic Spotted
Black Commerson's Flase Killer Whale Heaviside's Types of River Dolphins Hector's Amazon Indo-Pacific Humped Backed Franciscana Irrawaddy Indus or Ganges Long-Finned Pilot Whale Yangtze Long-Snout Spinner Tucuxi or Buffeo Melon Headed Whale Northern Right-Whale Dolphin Pantropical Spotted Peale's
Pygmykiller Whale
Risso's Rough-Toothed Short-Finned Pilot Whale Southern Right-Whale Dolphin Striped Tuchzi White-Beaked
                  Facts About Dolphins                                                              

1.) Most dolphins die at          2.) Dolphins will risk their                                                
the age of ten but some           own life to help others in                                            
can live up to fifty years        their pod                        
3.) Largest dolphin is the        4.) Dolphins can hold their
Bottlenose dolphin                breathe for 5-8 minutes  
(9 feet and 440 pounds)             
                                  6.) Dolphins can dive up to
5.) Smallest dolphin is the           650 feet   
Buffeo dolphin (3.9 feet and            
66 pounds                         7.) Dolphins shed outer layer    
                                  of skin every 2 hours

Porpoises Ocean River Dolphins Ocean Dolphins Ocean
Dall's North Pacific Amazon Yarapa River Hourglass Southern Oceans
Finless Pacific/Indian Franciscana Southern Oceans Commerson's Strait of Magellen
Harbor Harbors Indus Indus River Hector's Coast of New Zealand
Spectacled Southern Oceans Tucuxi Central Waters Stiped Amazon
Vaquita Indus River Yangtze Yangtze River Risso's Tropical Waters