<3 adopt.html <3
Welcome to a tiny version of hula hoop, it looks great doesn't it :) lol
I dont trim any of my bred petz files, thats up to you.
I just wanted some place to put a few adoptions and I know it's not a stunning html masterpiece, but hey ho.
Visit :
My Petz
Hex Archive
Most of my bred petz are freebies and don't require the why/trade part of the application.
It will state under each litter
Last Updated : 26th Feb 2008
1. you can adopt 1 hexed pet per litter and unlimited bred petz
2. please keep Hula's somewhere in their show name
3. I love to trade pets either well bred or hexed
4. Feel free to rename and change gender, eye and eyelid colour
why or Trade:
Email to beakspeak@hotmail.co.uk
<3 HEXED <3
<3 BRED <3
Top Row: Dean, Fiona, Liv
Bottom Row: Bash, Bosh, Bish
Adopted: None
This couple is old school petz so they will probably be inbred and have hexed lines.
But I cant say for sure. Feel free to change gender, trim tree etc.
Top Row: Blip, Italian, Female2
Bottom Row: Female3, Cove, Female1
Adopted: None
6th generation, all my own lines, hex free and not inbred.
I would love to swap with anyone else breeding non inbred, hex free, purebred meezers.
Top Row: 8gen7, 4gen7, 1gen6, 6gen7
Bottom Row: 7gen7, 9gen7, 5gen7
Adopted: None
7th generation, all my own lines, hex free and not inbred.
I would love to swap with anyone else breeding non inbred, hex free, purebred meezers.
Top Row: Boy5, Girl1, Girl2
Bottom Row: Boy1, Boy3, Boy4
Adopted: None
Lines going way back so probably inbred and hexed lines somewhere.
Girl2 and boy3 are hounds, Boy1 is a mixie with a chi chest patch.
Boy5, Girl1, Boy4 are all harli danes.
Oldies but goodies eh :)
Top Row: Fallow, Hilda, Yentil, Yipperty
Bottom Row: Fruity, Tips, Saka
Adopted: None
old school purebred danes so will probably have hexed lines and what not.