Welcome to Kym’s Web Design

My First Page

My Second Page

My Third Page

My Fourth Page

Take a Tour and Enjoy

Pretty Balloons Designer Confetti
Explore Virtual University

Thank you ‘Web Page Design Team’ for sharing your knowledge and putting together a great class. A special thanks goes out to ‘Virtual University’ for having an affordable and flexible environment for learning. Season Greetings and Best Wishes to all members of the class. See you in the world of web design.

Here are 15+ HTML Tags Represented Throughout this Website
HTML Code Listing
Tag Name Tag Set Location
Email Address <a href=“mailto:tastyeecu@aol.com”>Email MaKym</a> notebook4.html
Anchor Tag <a href=“notebook2.html”>My Second Page</a> Index.html, notebook1,2,3 and 4.html
Table <table>and </table> index.html, notebook4.html
Table Rows <tr> and </tr> index.html,notebook4.html
Table Data <td> and </td> index.html, notebook4.html
Table Caption <caption> and </caption> index.html, notebook4.html
Horizontal Rule <hr width="100%" size="25" > notebook1.html
Background Color <body bgcolor background> and </body> notebook1.html
Break <br> and </br> notebook1.html through notebook4.html
Unordered or Bullet Lists <ul> and </ul> notebook2.html
List Item with bullet <li type="disc">and </li> notebook2.html
Ordered Lists <ol> and </ol> notebook2.html
Paragraph <p> and </p> notebook1.html through notebook4.html
Blockquote <blockquote> and </blockquote> notebook3 and 4.html
Bold <b>and </b> notebook3 and 4.html
Heading <h#> and </h#> notebook3 and 4.html
Centers your paragraph <p align="center"> and </p> notebook4.html
Center <center>and </center> notebook4.html
Italics <i> and </i> notebook4.html