Knitted Butterfly Afghan Square by Lenore English

Materials: Example knitted in sport yarn, size 6 needles
Finished size: 6.5 x 6.5?

Knitted Square
Cast on 16 stitches.
Knit one row.
Knit 15 sts, turn, slip the first stitch, knit back.
Knit 14 sts, turn, slip the first stitch, knit back.
Continue to knit one less stitch every other row. Knit down to 2 sts, then start increasing.
Knit 2 sts, turn, slip the first stitch, knit back.
Knit 3 sts, turn, slip the first stitch, knit back.
Knit 4 sts, turn, slip the first stitch, knit back.
Continue to knit one more stitch every other row, until you knit all 16 sts and back.
Begin to decrease again, repeat the short rows three more times.
Bind off after 4 corners have been turned.
Sew or weave the bound off edge to the cast on edge.

Knitted Butterfly

Cast on 6 sts.
Rows 1&2: Knit 2, yo, knit to end of row.
Row 3: Knit 2, yo, *k2 tog, yo* repeat between * to last 2 sts, end k2.
Row 4: Knit 2, yo, knit to end of row.
Rows 5 - 16: Repeat rows 1 - 4. (22 sts)
Bind off.

With the cast on tail at the RIGHT, pick up and knit 6 sts from the beginning cast on edge.
Knit the second wing of the butterfly to correspond, except the knit 2 together on the 3rd row should be knit 2 together through the back loops. Bind off loosely.
Leave yarn ends long enough to tack the butterfly to the knitted square.

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