Knitted Burial Gown by Lenore English

Materials: Baby Sport Yarn, size 5 needles, 4 stitch markers, 2 stitch holders, 1/8” ribbon
Gauge: 6 sts=1”, 8 rows=1”
Sizes: (Small Preemie, Large Preemie, Full Term)
Chest: (12”, 14”, 16”)

Cast on (44, 48, 48) sts.
Rows 1 & 2: Knit.
Row 3: K2, * yo, p2 tog, repeat from * across, end yo, p2 tog, k2.(44, 48, 48)sts.
Row 4 & 5: Knit all stitches.
Row 6: (Place markers for raglan increases) k1, p1, k1, p (5, 6, 6), place marker, p (6, 6, 6), place marker, p (16, 18, 18) place marker, p (6, 6, 6) place marker, p (5, 6, 6) k1, p1, k1.
Row 7: k1, p1, k1, *knit to 1 st before marker, increase before and after the marker, repeat from * across, end k1, p1, kl. 8 sts increased.
Row 8: k1, p1, k1, purl to last 3 sts, k1, p1, k1.
Repeat Rows 7 & 8 (6,8,11) more times. (100, 120, 144) sts
Next Row: k1, p1, k1, knit to marker, slip the next (20, 24, 30) sts to a holder for the sleeve, cast on 6 sts, knit to the next marker, slip the next (20, 24, 30) sts to a holder for the second sleeve, cast on 6 sts, knit to the last three sts, k1, p1, k1. (72, 84, 96) sts.
Purl one Row.
Skirt:Choose either Pointed Lace Pattern or Baby Fan Lace Pattern
Pointed Lace:
Row 1: K1, p1, k1, knit across, increasing ( 25, 22, 19 ) sts evenly (use yo to make eyelets for a ribbon) k1, p1, k1. (97, 106, 115) sts.
Row 2: K1, p1, k1, purl to last 3 sts, k1, p1, k1.
Row 3: K1, p1, k1, k1, *yo, k2, k2tog, skpsso, k2, yo, k1, repeat across to last four sts, k1, k1, p1, k1.
Row 4: K1, p1, k1, purl to last 3 sts, k1, p1, k1.
Repeat rows 3 & 4 until the skirt is (10, 11, 12) inches in length.
Garter stitch for 1 inch, bind off loosely.
Baby Fan Lace:
Row 1: K1, p1, k1, knit across, increasing ( 22, 21, 20 ) sts evenly (use yo to make eyelets for a ribbon) k1, p1, k1. (94, 105, 116) sts.
Row 2: K1, p1, k1, purl to last 3 sts, k1, p1, k1.
Row 3: K1, p1, k1, k2tog twice, *(yo, k1) 3x, yo, (k2tog) 4x, repeat from *, end (yo, k1) 3x, yo, (k2tog) 2x, k1, p1, k1.
Row 4: K1, p1, k1, purl to last 3 sts, k1, p1, k1.
Row 5: K1, p1, k1, knit to last 3 sts, k1, p1, k1.
Row 6: K1, p1, k1, purl to last 3 sts, k1, p1, k1.
Repeat rows 3 through 6 until the skirt is (10, 11, 12) inches in length. Garter stitch for 1 inch, bind off loosely.

Put (20, 24, 30) sts from holder onto the needle.
Purl across.
Pointed Lace:
Row 1: Increase (17, 13, 16) sts evenly across the row.
Row 2: Purl across.
Row 3: k1, *yo, k2, k2tog, skpsso, k2, yo, k1, repeat across to last st, k1.
Row 4: purl across.
Repeat rows 3 & 4 (Pointed Lace Pattern) until sleeve is desired length.
Next Row: K1, k2tog across the row.
Knit 5 rows garter stitch, bind off.
Baby Fan Lace:
Row 1: Increase (13, 9, 14) sts evenly across the row.
Row 2: Purl across.
Row 3: k2tog twice, *(yo, k1) 3x, yo, (k2tog) 4x, repeat from *, end (yo, k1) 3x, yo, (k2tog) 2x.
Row 4: purl across.
Row 5: knit across.
Row 6: purl across.
Repeat Rows 3 - 6 (Baby Fan Lace Pattern) until sleeve is desired length.
Next Row: K1, k2tog across the row.
Knit 5 rows garter stitch, bind off.
Finishing: Weave in loose ends. Weave 1/8” ribbon through eyelets at neck and bodice.

Cast on 19 stitches.
Knit 1 row. Purl 1 row.
Eyelet row: K1, * yo, k2 tog, repeat from * across.
Continue in stockinette for 3”.
Cast on 18 stitches at the beginning of the next two rows. (55 sts)
Knit in Pointed lace pattern or Baby Fan lace pattern for 3”, garter stitch for 5 rows, bind off. Sew side seams. Weave ribbon through lower edge of bonnet.

Booties: Sole is (3”, 3½”)
Materials: Baby sport yarn and size 4 & 3 needles.
Cast on (24, 32) sts. Knit 2 rows.
Increase row: Inc, inc, k (8, 12) sts, inc 4x, k (8, 12) inc, inc.
Knit one row even.
Increase row: Inc, inc, k (12, 16) sts, inc 4x, k (12, 16) inc, inc. (40, 48) sts.
Knit every row until (10, 12) garter stitch ridges from the beginning.
Shape toe: K (12, 16), (k2tog) 8x, k (12,16).
Next row: K (12, 16), (k2tog) 2x, (psso, k2tog)2x, psso, k1, psso, k to end. (24,32) sts.
Switch to size 3 needles.
K1, p1 rib for 5 rows.
Switch to size 4 needles.
K1 row, P1 row.
Garter stitch 10 rows.
Switch to size 3 needles.
K1, p1 rib for 2 rows. Bind off loosely. Sew sole and heel seam.

Here's the picture

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