Title: Caliente Abrace (Hot Embrace)
Disclaimer: I own nothing not even the idea. The characters are owned by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and 20th Century Fox. The idea is a challenge by Carol. I just own the way the words are put together.
Author: Lorna Dominey
Summary: Carol's challenge will be at the end. Basically no vamps or slayers just a bunch humans. Except Angelus is a little more than that. He comes from a mysterious country. He needs a mate and takes a shine to Buffy. That's all I'm saying about the story.
Spoilers: None this is an alternate universe story.
Rating: PG 13 all the way up to NC 17.
Pairs: Aus/B, X/A, C/D, W/T at least these maybe more later.
Distribution: It's mine so ask.
Author's note: Feedback would be nice. I am making one small change not using idea #3. (I haven't forgotten Predatory Visitor that will be out tomorrow night).
Email: Tialorna@aol.com
Angelus threw his clothes haphazardly into the suitcases opened on his bed. His valet/bodyguard and life long friend Doyle was going behind him and repacking everything neatly. Angelus' Mother stood near by clutching her handkerchief.
"Son please think twice before leaving. You know your Father and I are right. You need to find a suitable wife."
Angelus stopped throwing his clothes at his bed, "Mother I am well aware of the fact I need a wife. None of the young ladies you've shown me is up to my standards. I want someone fresh and young and different."
Shaking her head his Mother sighed, "Angelus going to the United States could only prove disastrous. We are not really known to the outside world. England, France, Spain and Italy they guard our borders knowing full well that if anything was to happen to our little country chaos could erupt again."
Angelus smiled, "I will be using my passport from Ireland. They will not know where I am from. As for keeping chaos away I think from all that has happened of late we are not doing a very good job."
His Mother walked over to him, "That is true but our Mages they are growing old we need new ones. I fear that as they weaken with age more violence will occur."
Angelus gave his Mother a hug, "I promise that I will try and stay out of trouble. Look if I do not find a mate within the year I will return home, I promise."
His Mother smiled, "I will hold you to that promise and you know full well I can. Now go have your adventure and if you do find that special one make sure before you "mordere" son."
Angelus sighed, "I will."
Doyle gave a slight cough, "All packed Angelus."
Angelus smiled, "Thanks Doyle now go pack your things you're going with me."
Doyle nodded, "Aye it won't take long."
Angelus turned to his Mother, "Doyle will be with me and you know he'd put his own life on the line for me."
His Mother nodded, "I know he will but be sure nothing happens to him. He is one of our future Mages his powers are emerging."
Angelus sighed, " He'll make a good Mage."
Angelus' Mother gave him a hug, "Take care son and travel safely."
Angelus smiled at her, "You take care of Father while I'm gone the old man worries me."
Frowning his Mother nodded, "I am worried too."
Angelus watched as his Mother hurried from his room. He went through his bags making sure he had everything he would need or want.
Part 2
Buffy took a deep breath as she headed out of her dorm room. Her first day of college. Spotting Willow she hurried over to her.
"Hey Wils this place is awesome, scary but awesome."
Willow smiled, "Yep but I am so looking forward to my classes."
Buffy shook her head, "I know how thirsty you are for knowledge. Me I just want to get passing grades."
Oz, Willow's boyfriend walked up, "Morning Willow, Buffy."
Buffy smiled, "Hey Oz."
Willow leaned over and gave Oz a quick kiss, "Did you get settled in?"
Oz nodded, "Most of my things are still in boxes."
Willow glanced at her watch, "Buffy I need to get to class and guess you do to."
Buffy looked at her schedule, "Yeah umm English lit."
Oz shrugged, "That's the direction I'm going."
Later that day:
Buffy sat on her bed in her dorm room. The whole day had been one big disaster. After her first class she kept getting lost and ended up being late to her classes. Spilled coke all over her dress at lunch so had to come back here and change making her miss her first afternoon class. She flopped back and sighed.
Willow tapped on the door and entered the room, "So not a good day for you."
Buffy shook her head, "I think I'll just quit while I'm ahead."
Willow chuckled, "Buffy things will get better you're not the only one who had a bad first day."
Buffy sighed, "Yeah you're right."
Willow looked around, "Where's your room mate?"
Buffy sat up, "She hasn't gotten here yet."
Willow nodded, "Mine is into hard rock, the colors black, red and purple and has bright pink hair with black spots."
Buffy giggled, "She sounds scary."
Willow shrugged, "Oz knows her boyfriend and says they are both pretty cool."
Buffy smiled, "Then I guess she's okay."
Willow stood up, "Come on let's go grab something to eat."
Buffy grabbed her purse as she stood up, "Sounds like a good idea I'm hungry."
The two girls left the dorm and headed for the nearby pizza parlor everyone hung out at.
Yahoo! GeoCities
Part 3
Angelus stood at the window looking out at the lights of Los Angeles. He'd been here for three weeks now. It was better than New York, not so crowded or dirty. He glanced up as Doyle came into the room.
"Where have you been?"
Doyle shrugged, "Went and out grabbed a bite to eat and drink."
Angelus sighed, "Oh was just wondering. You seem to like it here."
Doyle grinned, "The woman are friendly and the food is good. I do miss home a little."
Angelus chuckled, "Home, not really missing it. It's nice not having to live up to my Father's standards."
Doyle sighed, "Angelus whether you like it or not someday you will be in charge of our homeland. You need to accept that fact."
Angelus picked up his coat, "I am very much aware of that fact and when that day comes I'll step up and do my duties until then I want to have fun. I'm going out."
Doyle followed Angelus out of the hotel. Angelus wanted to go alone but knew Doyle wouldn't let him.
In a restaurant not far away Buffy sat across from her Dad. It was his birthday and she'd come to L.A. to help him celebrate. She looked around the crowded room and sighed. The food was good but it lacked something.
Hank Summers glanced at his daughter, "So how is college?"
Buffy shrugged, "It's okay kind of scary my room mate never showed so Willow moved in with me."
Hank nodded as he swallowed his bite, "So you seeing anyone?"
Buffy shook her head, "Nope there is this guy named Riley he's asked me out but I haven't said yes."
Hank sighed, "Is there something wrong with him?"
Buffy shrugged, "Not really he's okay but he does nothing for me."
Hank took another bite of food, he chewed it thinking of what else to say to Buffy. Buffy sighed and looked around the room again.
Angelus stepped into the restaurant and glanced around the room. His eyes rested on the petite blonde who was picking at her food. Something about her caught his attention. She looked frustrated and bored both.
He was glad when he was shown to the booth behind hers. As he sat down he realized he could hear the conversation going on in the other booth. Without guilt he listened in.
"So Buffy how is your Mom and Dawn?"
Buffy put down her fork, "Mom is doing good with the art gallery she is show casing local talent the tourists who come to Sunnydale buy the seascapes. Dawn came in third place at her school science fair. She got a $50.00 savings bond."
Hank smiled, "Dawn got the brains and you got the looks."
Buffy frowned, "Daddy that isn't very nice. Dawn is very pretty and getting tall."
Hank laughed, "Is she now?"
Buffy nodded, "You'd realize that if you came around more often. I may be her big sister but she is taller than me now."
Hank sighed, "Sorry but you know how hard I work. We were lucky to have tonight."
Buffy shook her head, "Work was always your excuse for not being around I'm actually surprised you agreed to meet me here for dinner."
Hank sat back, "I did it because you insisted. I really did have other plans."
Buffy stood up quickly, "You know what I think I'm going home."
Hank watched as Buffy walked away. Angelus turned so he could also watch Buffy leave. He smiled. He was going to find out more about this young lady and Sunnydale.
Part 4
Angelus stepped into the small art gallery and glanced around. Slowly he made his way through the gallery. Stopping to look at the various paintings and sculptures.
"May I help you?"
Angelus turned, "I am just looking for now."
"Well, I am Joyce Summers the owner if you have any questions or see something you like let me know."
Angelus gave his best sexy smile, "I will remember that."
He watched as she turned towards a couple that had just entered the gallery. He sighed so this was the Mother, nice looking woman.
Angelus left the gallery and went in search of Doyle. He found him in a local bar called Willie's sitting in a back booth. He went and sat down across from him.
"Find out anything?"
Doyle grinned, "Yep, she is a freshman at Sunnydale University. Has a dorm on campus and a roommate named Willow Rosenberg."
Angelus smiled, "Good job. I just met her Mother. Went to the gallery and looked around."
Doyle shook his head, "You're going to a lot trouble for what might be a one night stand."
Angelus shrugged, "It could be more than that."
Doyle stared at Angelus, "What a weekend or maybe a week?"
Angelus chuckled and shrugged, "Who knows?"
Doyle shook his head, "Angelus just make damn sure you know what you're doing."
Angelus stood up, "Don't worry."
Doyle sighed as he watched Angelus leave the bar. He finished off his drink and left a few minutes later. He was going to do some more digging on this girl and her family.
Part 5
Angelus watched Buffy as she walked across the campus. She was with a nice looking red head. He didn't know why he was so obsessed with the girl.
"Angelus what in the world are you doing here?"
Angelus spun around and found himself staring at his third cousin once removed on his Mother's side standing there.
"Anya good grief girl you gave me a scare."
Anya grinned, "As if anything could scare you. So like I said what are you doing here?"
Angelus shrugged, "The folks were pressuring me to select a mate so I came here to get away from them."
Anya laughed lightly, "You came to Sunnydale?"
Angelus shook his head, "Not here specifically just the country and I heard about this place so thought I'd visit."
Anya folded her arms, "Try again. You just didn't happen to come to Sunnydale and don't tell me you came to visit me either I know that would be a huge lie."
Angelus sighed, "Fine want the truth I spotted a girl in L.A. found out she lives here so here I am. Oh and Doyle is here somewhere."
Anya grinned, "So who is she?"
Angelus pondered a minute before telling her, "Buffy Summers you know her?"
Anya actually snorted and laughed at the same time, "She's a friend of my boyfriend. Oh Angelus you are a riot she is innocent in as never has had sex so if that is all you are after then forget about her."
Angelus groaned, "Figures you would know her. Hey did you say boyfriend?"
Anya sighed, "Yes his name is Xander and he's a real sweetie."
Angelus gave a smirk, "Does he know all about you and where you come from and most importantly mordere?"
Anya shook her head, "No I told him I was from France and England."
Angelus had her right where he wanted her, "Ah I see hmmm Anya work with me and I won't say a word to the boy."
Anya glared at Angelus then gave in, "Fine what do you want?"
Angelus shrugged, "Introduce me to Buffy tell her I'm your cousin it won't be a lie, really."
Anya stared across the campus at where Buffy and Willow were sitting, "Okay when?"
Angelus looked over at Buffy, "Now if you want?"
Anya shrugged, "Sure why not I'm meeting them any way."
Angelus grinned, "That's a good girl now lead the way."
Anya gave Angelus one good stare, "Fine."
She turned and started off in the direction where Buffy and Willow sat. Angelus was right behind her.
Yahoo! GeoCities
Part 6
Anya walked up to where Buffy and Willow were sitting. She smiled at the two of them.
"Hey Buffy, Willow sorry I'm late."
Buffy glanced up, "No problem Anya."
Anya turned to Angelus, "My cousin arrived in town for a surprise visit. This is Angelus."
Buffy stared up at the tall man beside Anya and smiled, "Welcome to Sunnydale I'm Buffy."
Angelus smiled at her, "I am very pleased to meet you."
Willow grinned, "Hey I'm Willow so you staying long?"
Angelus turned to her, "Not sure how long I'm staying it all depends on how things turn out."
Buffy smiled, "You just here to visit Anya?"
Angelus sat down next to Buffy, "Anya is one reason. I am always on the outlook for investments or property or maybe adventure."
Buffy laughed, "Adventure in Sunnydale. Well, if you find any let me know I have yet to be on an adventure around here."
Angelus was fascinated by her. He couldn't help but stare into her eyes which seemed deep green then change to brown to another color of green.
Buffy stared into Angelus deep brown eyes. It was if she was being hypnotized by their depth. She was almost tingling being so close to him.
Xander and Cordelia walked up just then. Cordelia plopped down next to Willow. She looked over at Angelus.
"So who's the hottie Buffy is staring at?"
Buffy jumped hearing her name, "Oh Cordelia didn't notice you walk up."
Anya smiled, "This is my cousin Angelus. (she pointed to Cordelia) "That's Cordelia Chase, Buffy's cousin. And this is Xander Harris my boyfriend."
Angelus smiled at the two of them, "So Xander is it? Rather brave dating Anya."
Xander gave a nervous laugh, "Yeah dating Anya has been interesting but in a good way."
Buffy stood up, "Oh Xander, don't forget this weekend we are going to Grandmother's for her birthday."
Xander sighed, "I know and Anya is coming with us hope you don't mind?"
Buffy shrugged, "Nope, well gotta go. I have my French class."
Angelus stood up, "Can I walk you to your class?"
Buffy smiled, "Why sure that would be nice."
Everyone watched as Buffy and Angelus walked away.
Part 7
Angelus looked around the campus as the walked, "So what's up with Xander and this weekend? Anya said he was your friend."
Buffy sighed, "He's actually my half brother very weird story there."
Angelus frowned, "Oh care to explain?"
Buffy shrugged, "Okay my Dad was dating his Mom and my Mom at the same time. They had no idea about what was going on. When my Mom found out she was having a baby they eloped. It turns out Jessica was also going to have a baby. She married my Dad's best friend Anthony Harris so the baby would have a father."
Angelus shook his head, "And you all seem to get along."
Buffy sighed, "Yeah not all the time. Xander and I get along just fine. My Mom likes Xander. Doesn't like Tony Harris though he drinks too much. Tony and Jessica also have a daughter named Faith she is about a year and half younger than we are. Very wild and gets into all sorts of trouble."
Angelus smiled, "It's good you get along with Xander. I have a younger sister but we are not all that close."
Buffy stopped, "That's too bad. Here's my class."
Angelus sighed, "Would you like to go out to dinner?"
Buffy grinned, "Yes I would."
Angelus smiled, "This Friday around 6?"
Buffy nodded, "That would be great I am in room 214 in Stevenson Hall."
Angelus leaned over gave Buffy a quick kiss on the forehead, "Until Friday then."
Buffy smiled, "Yeah."
She turned and drifted into class. Angelus sighed as he walked away.
Yahoo! GeoCities
Part 8
Angelus knocked on Buffy's dorm room. Willow opened the door.
"Hey Angelus come right on in Buffy's just putting on her shoes."
Angelus smiled at Willow, "Thanks."
Buffy slipped on her right shoe and looked up, "Angelus you're right on time. I'm basically ready. Had a long day and didn't have much time in order to get ready."
Angelus shrugged, "Not a problem and by the way you look very nice."
Buffy stood up with a smile on her face, "I do oh thanks. Well, all ready."
Angelus smiled, "Come then I think we shall have just a quiet dinner and then find a place to sit and talk."
After dinner:
Buffy sat back and smiled at Angelus, "That was very good. I didn't know this place existed."
Angelus smiled, "See adventure can be found in Sunnydale. Even something as simple as going someplace new to eat is one."
Buffy laughed lightly, "You're right."
Angelus nodded, "The food was good. I found a very interesting place to rent while here. Old and in need of repair but it reminded me of home for some reason. Would you be comfortable going there with me now?"
Buffy sighed, "Actually no I wouldn't I feel as if I've known you forever."
Angelus stood up, "Then let me pay the check and we can be on our way then."
Angelus escorted Buffy out to the car he was using. He opened the door for her.
Buffy slid in, "You are so much more polite than most men these days."
Angelus nodded, "I was taught by my Mother how to be a gentleman."
Angelus was quiet as he drove. Buffy watched him. She thought he had a wonderful profile. Very chiseled. He was a very handsome man.
Buffy looked up as he pulled up in front of the place he was renting.
"The old Crawford Manor you're renting it?"
Angelus looked over at Buffy, "You seemed a bit surprised."
Buffy smiled, "Oh it's just so gloomy yet in an odd sort of way romantic like in those Gothic novels. You don't have a crazy wife stashed away or some deep dark secret?"
Angelus laughed, "No crazy wife I promise as for a deep dark secret who knows don't we all have something to hide?"
Buffy kind of smiled, "Maybe?"
Angelus helped her out of the car and led her up to the front door. Buffy stepped inside and looked around. The large room before her was sparsely furnished. A long L shaped, dark brown leather couch was in front of the fireplace. A couple of chairs, a table in front of the couch and three more tables against the walls.
A fire was going in the fireplace. Low lighting from four wall sconces gave the room a mysterious feel.
Buffy turned to Angelus, "Even more of a Gothic feel. But I like it."
Angelus led her over to the couch, "Come sit and let's talk."
Buffy sank into the soft leather of the couch. Angelus sat next to her. She turned to him and smiled. He reached over and gently ran his index finger along her cheek. That odd tingling feeling went through her.
Buffy turned away and stared into the fire. Angelus watched the emotions play across her face. Something was happening between them he could feel it.
Part 9
Angelus leaned over, "Buffy tell me about your life."
Buffy turned to him, "Not much to tell."
Angelus smiled, "Tell me what there is."
Buffy laughed lightly and sat back, "Let's see I was born in Los Angeles. Spent the first fifteen years of my life there. My folks got a divorce. My Mom moved me and my sister here."
Angelus nodded, "Why here?"
Buffy smiled, "Well, we have family here. Besides Xander there is Cordelia her Mom and mine are second cousins but Marlena spent so much time with my Mom's family they are like sisters. It was Marlena that talked my Mom into taking over the gallery."
Angelus smiled at Buffy, "Having family around is good. You close to Xander?"
Buffy nodded, "Yeah, he would come stay with us during the summer sometimes when his Dad was out of town working. Willow came with him a couple of times. So moving here for me was no big deal. I already had friends here."
Angelus reached over and ran his fingers along the top of Buffy's right hand, "I'm surprised a good looking girl like doesn't have a boyfriend."
Buffy shrugged, "I dated in high school nothing serious. So far only Riley Finn has asked me out in college but I don't know he's okay but it just don't feel right."
Angelus smiled, "Good that way I have no one to compete against for your affections."
Buffy laughed, "So what about you. Tell me something about your life."
Angelus seemed to ponder about to say, "My Father owns lots of land in Europe. I am to inherit it all when he goes. My folks want me to find a suitable girl to marry. That is one reason I am here to get away from their nagging."
Buffy smiled, "Parental pressure. My Mom wanted me to go to UCLA. I just couldn't handle that and besides they didn't accept me. I was lucky to get into Sunnydale."
Angelus laughed, "I find that hard to believe."
Buffy shrugged, "It's true. I find studying so hard at times. Hey when did we get back to me?"
Angelus sighed, "There really isn't much to tell you about. I'm just a spoiled, rich and according to my Father a lazy, irresponsible boy."
Buffy shook her head, "You sir are no boy as for the rest maybe."
Angelus chuckled, "Just maybe. You willing to stick around to find out?"
Buffy scooted closer, "For some reason I am willing to."
Angelus leaned over and captured her mouth with his. The kiss was gentle at first, hesitant. Two finding out what the other liked and wanted.
Part 10
Angelus pulled back, sighing he smiled at Buffy, "You're innocent?"
Buffy blushed, "If you mean never had sex yeah I guess so."
Angelus sat back, "We have just met and I don't want to rush you. I usually just use women. But you are different, special and if I am to be your first I want you to be absolutely sure."
Buffy smiled, "Thanks. Most guys either want to be the first or they turn tail and run."
Angelus shook his head, "All fools they had no idea what a jewel they were overlooking. Now let me take you home."
Buffy looked up at Angelus as he stood up, "That's sweet and sure I think maybe I need to do some thinking."
Angelus drove Buffy home. He walked her to her dorm room. Stopping in front of her door he leaned down and gave her gentle kiss.
Angelus smiled, "I want to see you again."
Buffy nodded, "Tomorrow is Saturday and we were all going to gather at Cordelia's for an afternoon pool party and bar be cue. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you came with me."
Angelus shrugged, "If you're sure. It sounds like fun."
Buffy grinned, "Cool pick me up around one I need to stop by the store and get dessert. Oh you'll need swim trunks."
Angelus chuckled, "I'll be here by one and I have a pair of swim trunks."
Buffy smiled, "Good so until tomorrow."
Angelus bent down and kissed her again, "Tomorrow."
Buffy went into her room. Angelus stood staring at her closed door for a few minutes before turning away.
Angelus went in search of Doyle. He needed to talk to him. He found him right where he thought he would at Willy's.
"Hey Doyle I need to talk to you."
Doyle looked up from his beer, "No need to I can see it written all over your face. She's the one. Also I saw her in a vision."
Angelus sighed, "Doyle it scares me to no end. I had no intention of falling in love."
Doyle chuckled, "Some advice one never means to fall in love it just happens. This girl is the right one for you."
Angelus took a sip of the beer he'd ordered, "I know and it still scares me. How am I going to explain the truth about my family, country and well, me."
Doyle shrugged, "When the time is right you'll know what to say."
Angelus sighed, "I hope you're right?"
Doyle finished off his beer, "Come on let's go home."
Angelus stood up, "Yeah I have a pool party and bar b cue to go to tomorrow."
Doyle chuckled as he placed a tip on the table. He followed Angelus out of the bar a slight smile on his face.
Part 11
Angelus sat in one of the lounge chairs facing the pool. He watched Buffy as she walked his way. The blue bikini she wore left little to the imagination. She had a small perfect body. The mere sight of her made his desire for her almost unbearable.
Buffy sat down in the chair next to Angelus, "Having fun?"
Angelus smiled, "Having fun watching you."
Buffy laughed, "Well, I guess that's good. The food is almost cooked."
Angelus grinned, "Smells good."
Buffy nodded as she stood up, "Yep I better go check to see if I am needed."
Angelus watched her walk away. The little wiggle in her walk made him sigh.
Anya walked up, "So you and Buffy seem to be getting along rather well."
Angelus smiled, "She's very special."
Anya shook her head, "My, my love hath struck the mighty Angelus."
Angelus looked up at her, "I noticed the scar on Xander's left shoulder. So you have claimed him as your mate."
Anya glanced over to where Xander stood with Willow and Tara, "He doesn't know."
Angelus stared at her, "You bit him and didn't tell him what it meant?"
Anya nodded, "I'm just afraid he won't understand."
Angelus frowned, "But the fever after the bite how did you explain that?"
Anya shrugged, "He thought he had the flu that was going around at the time. He stayed home and I was there to take care of him."
Angelus frowned, "But yet you are not with child?"
Anya shook her head, "I was but I lost it, honestly I did."
Angelus sighed, "You need to tell him."
Anya looked over at Xander again, "I know and now that you are here especially."
Angelus nodded, "If he loves you he'll understand and accept it."
Anya sighed, "I hope you're right?"
Angelus smiled, "I hope so too since I have my own plans."
Anya looked over at Buffy, "So she is the one?"
Angelus nodded, "Yes she is."
Anya smiled, "Good choice."
Angelus watched as Anya turned and went over to where Xander stood. He looked over at Buffy and hoped the words he spoke to Anya about Xander would also apply to her.
Part 12
Angelus watched as Buffy spoke to Xander and Cordelia. The day had been fun actually. He'd enjoyed himself. Buffy's friends were a good group of people.
Buffy was laughing at Xander's latest joke, "Well, I better go. So tomorrow around 9:30 you'll pick me up?"
Xander nodded, "Yep that'll give us plenty of time to get to Grandmother's for the birthday party."
Buffy grinned, "Okay see ya in the morning bye."
Buffy went over to where Angelus waited, "Ready to go?"
Angelus smiled, "Yes. I had fun today thanks for inviting me."
Buffy smiled, "Good, it was a good party. Usually is when we get together."
Angelus drove Buffy to her dorm. He walked her to her room. At the door he bent down and gave her a quick kiss.
"When can I see you again?"
Buffy sighed, "Tomorrow is Grandmother's birthday and then I have school. But I do want to see you again."
Angelus smiled, "You have to eat dinner so why don't I come by on Monday around 4:30."
Buffy grinned, "Okay that would be nice."
Angelus nodded, "Good until Monday."
He bent down and kissed her. They stood there and kissed for several minutes before she went into her room.
Angelus stepped into the old mansion and tossed his gym bag on the floor. He realized he wasn't alone. Looking towards the couch that sat in front of the fireplace he sighed. His Uncle, Rupert Giles sat there with a half grin on his face.
"So Angelus you are finally home."
Angelus walked over to the couch and sat down, "Hello Uncle and what brings you to Sunnydale?"
Rupert chuckled, "Your Mother insisted I come check up on you and as you well know I can't say no to my big sister."
Angelus sighed, "Mother, makes sense."
Rupert sighed, "You look good so what have you been up to?"
Angelus shrugged, "Went to a pool party and bar b cue today. Other than that not much."
Rupert stood up and went over to the fireplace, "Angelus you know why I am really here. You folks are worried that you are wasting your time here."
Angelus smiled at his Uncle, "I think I have found the one for me."
Rupert stared at his nephew, "You've met a girl that you are developing feelings for?"
Angelus nodded, "Yes, she is 18 almost 19. Blonde and tiny. An innocent at that. She's sweet and there is something very special about her."
Rupert sighed, "She's quite young but you say special. What is her name?"
Angelus stood up, "Buffy Summers and please don't go causing her any trouble."
Rupert smiled, "Don't worry I won't. Now where is Doyle and how is he doing?"
Angelus shrugged, "He's doing good. He hangs out with the locals at a bar called Willy's. Oh guess what your step daughter Anya is here in Sunnydale."
Rupert blinked several times, "Anya is here?"
Angelus smiled, "Yes and she has a boyfriend and she has bitten him but hasn't told him anything about what that means. She told me she had a miscarriage."
Rupert sighed and looked down into the fire, "Anya poor sweet girl after her Mother died she was so lost and I turned my back on her the loss was even too much for me. I would like to see her."
Angelus went over to him, "That can be arranged I know she is going with Xander and Buffy to a birthday party for their Grandmother."
Rupert smiled, "It's good she has found someone."
Angelus smiled, "He seems like a decent guy."
Rupert turned to Angelus, "Are Buffy and Xander related?"
Angelus grinned, "They are half brother and sister. Rupert you look tired why don't you get some rest and tomorrow we can talk some more."
Rupert sighed, "I am tired the journey was a long one."
Angelus nodded, "I'll show you to a room you can use."
Angelus went over to where Rupert had left his bags. He picked them up. Rupert followed and picked up one of the smaller bags. He followed Angelus up the stairs.
Angelus stopped in front of a door, "This room has a bed and a chair not much else. My room is down the hall and Doyle is staying just across the hall. This place came furnished barely."
Rupert smiled, "It's not bad. Well, goodnight."
Angelus headed to his own room as Rupert shut his door. Angelus stepped into his room. Angelus undressed and laid down on his bed. Closing his eyes he pictured Buffy as she'd looked today in the blue bikini.