Don't we all wish we looked like her!Welcome

Welcome to my little corner on the web.  If you really want to know something
about me just continue reading.
My name is Terri and I have been an internet junkie for about 3 years
now.  I am a wife and mother of two teenagers, one girl and one boy.  Boy what FUN!!! LOL
I am also a college student!  This is my last semester for my Associate
Degree in Business, I do plan to continue my education farther.
It is extremely hard to go to school, work full time and have a family.
I have a wonderful husband who helped make it all possible.
I have some pictures of his surgery if you would like to see them.
I also made a page about my experience with Bell's Palsy.
I am also a Community Leader for Heartland in Yahoo/Geocities.
Its a great place for a free web site. 
I have been put in charge of Heartland Holidays, its a great
website and when you are through with my site, go on over
and check it out.  We have great games and awards.

Wanna see how I relax and Enjoy life
when the stress gets to much!

I have joined a group on the web called
WOSIB and I am having a blast!
I have made new friends and learned
more about Paint Shop Pro. You can view
the things I have made here.

I am also joined Imagination Island.
This is a fun place to do things on the web, projects and such
and since I have just started I can't tell you
very much about it except it sounds like fun!
Here is the first page I made for this group.

Beautiful graphics!!!
Artwork by Jonathon E. Bowser

I love mail!   Back home.   Check out the great webrings I belong to!

Sign my guestbook, Please.Check out who has been here!

Thank you!
