Welcome to my little corner
on the web. If you really want to know something
about me just continue reading.
My name is Terri and I have been an internet junkie for about 3 years
now. I am a wife and mother of two teenagers, one girl and one boy. Boy what FUN!!!
I am also a college student! This is my last semester for my Associate
Degree in Business, I do plan to continue my education farther.
It is extremely hard to go to school, work full time and have a family.
I have a wonderful husband who helped make it all possible.
I have some pictures of his surgery if you would like to see them.
I also made a page about my experience with Bell's Palsy.
I am also a Community Leader for Heartland in Yahoo/Geocities.
Its a great place for a free web site.
I have been put in charge of
Heartland Holidays, its a great
website and when you are through with my site, go on over
and check it out. We have great games and awards.
Wanna see how I relax and Enjoy life
when the stress gets to much!
I have joined a group on the web called
WOSIB and I am having a blast!
I have made new friends and learned
more about Paint Shop Pro. You can view
the things I have made here.
I am also joined Imagination Island.
This is a fun place to do things on the web, projects and such
and since I have just started I can't tell you
very much about it except it sounds like fun!
Here is the first page I made for this group.