My office was having a picnic that day,
so we proceeded to get ready.
My husband, son and I went to base
for the picnic.  As the day progressed I
noticed things that just didn't
add up.  I kept biting my cheek,
while I was trying to eat,
my cigarette kept falling out of my mouth
if I put it on the left side and I couldn't
suck on a straw using the left side of
my mouth.  Soda was dripping
down my face when I tried
to drink from the can.
The left side of my nose wouldn't
wrinkle nor the forhead.
Needless to say I was freaking out!!!
All my friends were concerned
we were all discussing what
could possibly be wrong with me!
Stroke was the main thing, but
I felt no pain in my chest or
arms only my ear.

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