They were most concerned about my
eye.  I had to put a salve IN my eye
and then tape Saran Wrap over it
while I sept.  During the day I had to put
artificial tears in my eyes.
They were afraid of my eye drying out
and dust  and debris getting in
and not being able to get it out and
it damaging my eye.
I had to limit my time outside due to this.
My Sargeant and I went round and
round on this one. Yeah same

I wasn't allowed outside because of
my eye.  I couldn't close it!
So when we had formations, I stood at
the door and listened.
I always paid attention but this wasn't
good enough for my Sargeant!  He sent me
to the airport one day on a cleaning
assignment.  The building hadn't been
used in years!  Dust and debris were
everywhere!  My other Sargeant brought
me back as soon as he saw the building!
Needless to say this was one time
I went over his head!
Straight to the Captain!
I was reassigned to a different
department!  I was so happy!

Ok back to Bell's Palsy!


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