The Neurologist was talking way above
my head.  But from what I found out in
my research is at the time there was no
known cause and no cure.
There is a pocket of nerves under your
ears and those control movement on that
side of the face.  It was discovered in the
1800's by Sir William Bell.
They listed stress, chicken pox,
sleeping under an air conditioner,
sudden draft of cold air, being in the
cold, tonsilitis and many other things
as possible causes.  He scheduled me for
Physical Therapy the next day.

I had to apply electric shock treatment
to my face!  If anyone has touched an
electric fence they learn not to touch it!
Here I was having to do it over and over again!
It hurt!  I had to get the end of the
"magic wand" wet and then stick
it to my face and pull the trigger!
Now they don't even know if that helps
or not!  There are lots of different
beliefs out there!
In fact, the Japanese have released new findings that
confirms that Bell's Palsy is caused
by a the Cold Sore Virus.
This has been widely believed
for 30 years!  The funny thing is a few
weeks before I got Bell's Palsy
I had to go to the Emergency room
for a spider bite on my lip!
Turns out it wasn't a spider bite.  It was
the Mother of all Cold Sores!  That thing
was huge!!  Blisters on top of Blisters!
I have cold sores occasionally but not
like this one!


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