Hi!  This set really touched my heart when I saw it.
My husband has long hair and so do I.
He wears blue jeans all the time and has
the muscles this guy has!
He is a construction worker, I love
to see him working.  Muscles bulging!
(Cold shower time!)
On our wedding day, I wore a dress just like
the one in the pic above!
I thought it was meant for me to use this
set!  You should have seen the wedding!
My husband Lenny was constantly pulling
the shoulder sleeves up and I was putting them
back down!  It was great!
That was 17 years ago and we still love
each other very much!
He means the world to me!  I don't
know what I would do without him.
We have sacrificed many things
for each other.  I think our
love for each other grows more
each day.  I hope everyone finds their
soulmate like I have.