Goldrider Application
(Copy and paste the below application into an e-mail titled "Goldrider App." After you've filled it out, send it to

This application will be used to judge your qualification, and that of your character, to be a gold rider. Remember, you will also be judged on how active you are in the roleplay of Tayick Weyr. (We understand this can be difficult for Candidates, but please do your best. Also, if you are having any trouble joining in the RP, please contact RPStaff and someone will be glad to introduce you.) The application will include scenario questions, where you will have to describe how you would handle a certain situation in your capacity as both a goldrider, and an important figure in the group. It will also include questions to test your roleplaying ability.

1. What is your yahoo user name?

2. What is the name of the character you are filling out this application for?

3. You have already submitted your character's description to the group, but for the sake of conveniance, we ask that you put it here as well.
     Physical Desc: (include age of character)

     Personality Desc: (include personal quirks, or habits)

4. As a gold rider, you automatically become an important personage within the group. You may, on occasion, be asked to handle certain situations. For example:

A new member is having trouble integrating him/her self into the roleplay. One of the facilitators has asked you to help him/her out. How do you handle the situation?

5. As above, being a gold rider makes you an important persona within the Weyr. The Weyrleaders are busy with Weyr business, and have asked you to check in on Weyrlings, or Candidates. During your check-up, you will encounter a Weyrling or Candidate who has broken a minor rule. How do you handle the situation?

6. You catch someone within the group breaking a major rule (such as a rule of copyright, or a rule reguarding plot lines). What would you do?

7. What if you catch this person beaking a rule again?

8. As goldriders, we are often found in the middle of some of the most difficult situations within RP. In order to test how well you handle some RP situations, the following items should be responded to by a brief in character example of how you would RP the situation.
     Your queen is going to have her first Flight.

     You have made a mistake, and are being confronted by the Weyrleaders:

     The Weyrwoman has collapsed and her dragon has gone into a panic:

9. When do you think the Sr. Weyrwoman should step down from her position?

10. While conducting a Hatching of your queen's clutch, how will you decide which character Impresses what color dragon, or if certain character's will Impress at all?

11. What, in your opinion, qualifies your character to be a goldrider?