History of Tayick Weyr

Tayick Weyr was established during the Interval before the 10th Pass. It was established to protect Tayick Hold, and its two neighboring Holds, Hanlan Hold and Aberys Hold.

Tayick's first Weyrleaders, Sr. Weyrwoman Asmala and gold Evrith, Weyrleader B'rol and bronze Fenneth, established the Transfer Wing, still used today in the Weyr. Though Asmala and B'rol lived during an Interval, they knew that if Thread were falling, they would not have enough riders for a full complement of Wings. They established the concept of the Transfer Wing, but the theory was only tested at the start of the 10th Pass, 5 turns ago. Some 100 years after Asmala and B'rol lived.

The current Weyrleaders, Sr. Weyrwoman Kasira and gold Kameth, Weyrleader R'dun and bronze Beroth, have not held the positions long. Kasira came from Fort Weyr, and Kameth was the first queen to rise after the previous queen died. Beroth flew her, making R'dun Weyrleader. Despite lack of experience, both Weyrleaders have done exceptionally well at performing leadership duties and fighting the menace of Thread.

History of Tayick Hold

It is not known to us when, exactly, Tayick Hold, or its neighboring Holds, were established. However, it is known that they were originally, minor holdings that grew large enough to separate from their original Holds. They are all very close togther.

Tayick Hold is most known for the raising and breeding of ovines (hence the image of one on the Tayick Weyr crest). They have large pastures for grazing the animals. Their mainstream product is the wool from the animals, however they also sell the meat, and of course the animals themselves. Among the Hold women, ovine bone hairpins are extremely popular.

Hanlan Hold is named after its first Lord. It is most known for its fine beers and ales. The first Lord Hanlan was very proud of his home brewed beers (some with exotic flavors, such as redfruit beer). When he became Lord Holder of Hanlan Hold, he started to brew them on a larger scale. Though they will never be as popular as wines from other areas of Pern, they have become extremely popular among the mountainous areas, and of course at Tayick Weyr. A mug of frothy ale represents Hanlan Hold on the Tayick Weyr crest.

And finally, Aberys Hold. Aberys Hold is known for nothing more than the fact that a surprisingly large amount of Aberys children grown up to be Harpers. However, they are fine farmers, and produce great amounts of cereal grains from their extensive feilds. Hence the, wheatstalks represent Aberys on the Tayick crest.

The Tayick Crest
A black knife over an ovine, a mug of ale, and wheatstalks, on a red feild.

The Tayick Crest stands for the reason Tayick Weyr was established: to protect the three Holds. The knife represents the Weyr, and the symbols represent the Holds, in the order they were founded. The knife sits over the Holds, showing protection. The black and red come from the colors of the Tayick Hold crest.

(NOTE: When naming our Weyr, stilledfate and I were considering the Scottish surname "Kiltaik" From this we derivedTayick, the name of our Weyr. We were inspired to create the names of our beholden Holds from other Celtic nations, hence Hanlan, an Irish surname, and Aberys is a part of the word Aberystwyth, a well-known city in modern Wales. Hence, the entire Weyr (and website) has a slightly Celtic theme. We realize that the Pernese would, of course, no longer remember wether or not they had Celtic roots, so we do not say, in the RP, that the Holds were established by Celtic peoples.