Personality: K'nol is, despite responsibilities placed on him, pretty playful and mischeivious. He's impish, almost child-like, while being honest and open. He also tends to be quite bold, and isn't afraid to push limits with authority, yet leads very well. Besides that, he's very neat and organized, and an all-around interesting person.

History: His mother took care of him and his younger brother, Tallun, until they were old enough to take care of themselves. K'nol (then Kironol, nicknamed Kiro by his brother) began his apprenticeship at the Farmcrafthall, but left at age 15 when he was Searched. He went to Igen Weyr, and impressed his bronze Zerrith there. His defiance of authority got him in some trouble, and kept him from raising his rank quite as quickly as he otherwise would have. He eventually transferred to Tayick at age 23, where he currently resides as a Wingleader.

Hair: brown, that he keeps cut short and leaves messy most of the time
Eye color: one blue, one green
Height: 6'1"
Build: He's quite muscular, but not too much more than the average bronzerider. Has been since before Impression, from working in farming.
Facial Features: He has some freckles on his nose and cheeks, but they're barely noticeable

Dragon name: Zerrith
Color: bronze
Physical Description: Large, and a light bronze color with some darker patches
When and where impressed: Telgar Weyr, 9 Turns ago
Personality: He's hard-working, but also enjoys playing around sometimes. He loves swimming, or better yet sunning, and is indifferent to fire lizards.