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Peaks of  Cradle Mtn-Lake St Clair National Park from
the sides of Mt Murchison

Mt Zeehan from Zeehan Township

Barn Bluff and Cradle Mtn from Anthony Rd side of Mt Murchison

Mr Reed from the sides of Mt Black - Fagus colours of autumn

a halo over Valentines Peak from the Cradle Mtn Link road

The Peaks of Mt Pelion Westand mountains of Reserve from Side of Mt Murchison

Mt Romulus from Lake Mackintosh

Mt Strahan from the mouth of Little Henty River Ocean Beach

High Tor and Granite Tor from south end Lake Mackintosh

Mt Dundas from Zeehan-Strahan Road

Mt Block from south end of Lake Mackintosh

Mt Zeehan from Ocean Beach

Mt Reed, Murchsion and Dundas from mouth of Macquarie Harbour

Mt Agnew, Heemskirk, Zeehan, Reed and Murchison from Hells Gates

looking north over Queenstown from Mt Jukes

Hanging Rock from Lake Mackintosh

Mt Heemskirk and Agnew from Ocean Beach

Mt Heemskirk from Trial Harbour Road

Frenchmans Cap and Lake Burbury from Mt Jukes

Cradle Mtn and Barn Bluff from Cradle Link road of Vale of Belvoir

Mt Murchison from Tullah

Mt Zeehan, Lyell, Huxley, Jukes, Frenchmans Cap and Mt Strahan from Trial Hbr Road

Mt Black from Tullah

Tyndall Range and Lake Plimsol

Queenstown and Mt Lyell and Huxley

Mt Farrell from Murchison Bridge

Mt Black and Bell Mtn from Mt Claude Lookout

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