Ok, This is where the bunkrooms are. The boys bunkroom is through there *Tunes points left* And da goils bunkroom is through der. *Skittery, Swifty, and Itey walk out of the boys bunkroom.* Heya! I'm Itey, Swifty an' I run da boys bunkroom! Watch youh pants...*Itey and Swifty nudge Skittery. You look rather frightened* Oh, uh, don't worry 'bout dat! Yea, come wit us tah have a look around our bunkroom an' meet a few of da guys. Or you could go with Quipster to see the girls bunkroom. Why only me? *Tunes motions to Skittery* Oh. Be a good boy and wait for me in the bunkroom ok? Yes mist- I mean shoah Tunes. *You look uncomfortable* Sorry. *Tunes and Skittery exit* Well, uh, sorry bout dat, dey're a little bit weird *Itey and Swifty make a whip crack sound* So have ya decided wheah youh gonna go yet? Yea, we don't got all day! Itey! How dare you be rude ta our guest! An' Swifty.....Jest wait til I tell Tunes! *They cower in fear* Ok, let's return ta da tour. Da boys bunkroom seems ta be a bit busy right now, so you could check out da goils bunkroom wit me, or ignore da rudeness a our side-kicks an' check out da boys bunkroom wit dem?