An here we have our office...fill out some forms and we wanted ta intraduce da runnah a da Lodgin' House.  Dis heah is Mrs. Johnson an' this is Mr. JohnsonPleased to meet you children. I hope you like it heah.  Tunes, Quipstah are you being good hosts? No tricks like the last guest right? *Tunes and Quipster smile innocently* Us? Tricks? Never...I'm shocked that you would even suggest something like that! **Mr and Mrs Johnson roll their eyes and laugh** What about the last time you...**Quipster breaks into violent coughing** **Tunes catches the hint** So, we're gonna continue the tour now! You can follow us! **Tunes and Quipster grab the new lodger's hand and drag her across the room away from Mr. and Mrs. Johnson tales**
So, dis is da papah work ya gotta fill out ta join da house.  Nothin' too terrible jest we gotta know what we'se gettin' ourselves inta! **Tunes nudges the guest** Don't look so worried it's not like anyone's gunna know if you lie or not...**Quipster looks shocked** You LIED in the book? **Tunes smirks** Of course I did **Quipster laughs and shrugs** Yeah, me too...**Both girls turn to look at the new lodger** Hey, hurry up kid!  We don't got all day...Skittery is in the bunk rooms waiting to...Play cards of course!  Now hurry up an' sign it...
**Mrs. Johnson walks over** Girls you aren't trying to get her to sign without reading the rules are you? We have rules here? **Mrs. Johnson glares** Show her the rules before she signs, all right Quipstah? **Quipster flashes a bright smile** A course I will!  **Mrs. Johnson smiles back and walks back across the room** **Tunes breaks into coughs that amazingly sound like "kiss up"** C'mon give me a break.  Do ya want her ta be followin' us 'round da entire tour? Nice point Quippy.  So are we gonna show her the rules? Might as well...
**Both girls look annoyed** Took you long enough! Did we not mention that we have things to do?  C'mon lets get this paper work signed and filled out so dat Tunes can go get some from Skittery.  That's not what I was gonna say!! Dat's what you were thinkin' doh!  I know it's true whetah you admit it or not...Well, if I wasn't thinking about it before I sure am now...**New Lodger clears throat** Oh yeah....Forgot about her...Heh me too...Well, what're you waitin' foh? Fill out the paper work!! **New Lodger looks confused** Tunes did you give her da papah work? I thought you did...Hmm..dat must be what she's waitin' for den...**Quipster hands the paper work to the new lodger** All right you have two minutes...starting...NOW!  **Quipster and Tunes burst out laughing at the New Lodgers confused and worried expression** We're just teasin' ya...Yeah, ya really get two an' a half minutes!  She's really just kidding.  You got as much time as you need. Fine...just remembah dis comes outta youh Skitt Quality Time! I lied! HURRY UP! GET DA LEAD OUTTA YOUH PANTS! **Quipster bursts out laughing** **New Lodger gets started on the paper work**
Hey aren't we supposed to show den somethin' befoah dey fill it out? Like what? I dunno I feel like I'm fohgettin' somethin'!  Oh, hey, yeah aren't we supposed to show them the main list?  Why do we do that anyway? **Quipster shrugs** Beats me.  If I were you I'd be happy 'bout it 'cause it means people'll stay off youh man...Yeah...good point. **Tunes grabs the list and shoves it into the poor, confused new lodgers hand**
Der, now she can fill out da papah work right!  Yup, now that ya know that Skitts if off limits to everyone but ME!  **Tunes glares** Shut up!  He's off limits to you too! Well, dat's not what he was sayin' last night if ya catch me drift...Haha so funny....**New lodger decides to get back to work instead of listening to their argument**
Good, now dat yoh finally done we can continue da tour. Where do you want to go next? We can go ta da bunk rooms an' meet all da othah lodgers...or back to the front to look at all the other rooms. Youh choice.