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Myself & my ex-partner Ann first got together in October 1992: were by soon after are relationship started Ann became pregnant with are First child Danny, as months went on & regular Ultra Sound Scans were performed in the L******** Royal Infirmary Hospital, they found something not quit right with the Ultra Sound at 8 months pregnant.  They kept going from one machine to another until eventually they took us into a room to explain to us why, they had found that are Unborn Son Danny would be diagnosed of having ( Sacral agenesis) & that we had to make a devastating decision on Terminating at 8 months pregnant or to carry on full term.  I immediately said to the Consultant No we do not need to discuss it we are not terminating our baby, Ann's reaction to this was that she turned her head to the floor & said nothing, it felt like I was all alone and that she did not care what happened to are Unborn Child. 

  After are Son was born it was the greatest feeling a proud Father could ever dream of going through in his entire life, it felt wonderful it was as if my heart was in my mouth as my tears kept flowing from my eyes, I could not get the words out of my mouth. Soon after are Son Danny was born they
rushed him up to Intensive Care which made me begin to panic, I went straight up to the Unit were they had taken him & cried again at how Tiny he looked and how fragile he was, the nurse had to lift him out of his cot cause I was to scared in case I hurt him, His legs and feet had deformities & he had
Dislocated Hips, Contractures to both his knees & anus.  His condition I was told was a Secondary facture to his Mother being an Insulin Dependent Diabetic since she was 14yrs old she also suffers now with severe eye sight difficulty's, & Heart & Kidney problems and is living on borrowed time.

  After leaving Hospital with are Son Danny we moved to Coventry to be closer to Relatives & Danny's Grandparents but shortly after doing this  our Relationship began to become on the rocks, as Danny's Mother Ann started to reject Danny big time by not wanting to do anything for him except when Health Visitors, Physios & Nurses, Social Workers came round to provide us with help, after they had left it was a living hell for me & our Son Danny as she was like a Jackal & Hide movie & that's no joke.

  I tried explaining this to the family GP, Hospital Consultants etc but they just thought it was post natal depression and that it would pass in time, I know from then on it was up to me to take the bull by the horns & try to provide a better loving life for our child Danny.  At this point Anne was pregnant with our Second child Chantelle so I tried to keep things together in are relationship but it began to get very violent towards are Son Danny & myself as she started to throw Knives, plates, pictures, etc... anything she could get her hands on.

  One night we were in the kitchen discussing our situation when she plunged at me & our Son Danny with a Knife when he was in my arms, I ran with Danny to the bedroom & locked the door still shaking I tried to comfort our Son whilst my arm was still bleeding were I blocked the Knife, I still have memory's of that day as it will be a scar always with me for the rest of my life. We separated on 25th July 1995, before our Daughter Chantelle was born on 22nd August 1995.   

My Ex-Partner Ann mother to our two children Danny & Chantelle received a Residence Order over our Children on 16th November 1995, after the Courts Ordered that I should have a Contact Order & that I should have reasonable contact. 

   At this time she was still living in Coventry but shortly after the Court case she started to have a new Relationship with someone else, in Febuary of 1996, which became her Husband on 23rd November 1996 & then later moved back to L******* changing the children's surname into this new Husband of her's with out my consent but at the time I did not know about Parental Responsibility because myself and Ann was never married we had our children before we were able to get married which meant I had no Parental Responsibility over my two children, unless the Courts gave it to me. 

   But the good news of this story is that I met Louise in December of 1996 & to this day we are still together 5 years down the line through thick & thin we have found real happiness but regret to say we are not fully 100% until our family of 5 children are living with us full time, as we have tried our best to show the damage of what this Mother has done to our children's lives but it feels that it is a endless battle. 

  We tried again for Residence on 5th December 1997 again the Court ordered that my Ex-partner Ann should obtain Residence leaving myself with a Contact Order and finally a Parental Responsibility Order that allowed me finally to have copy's of my Sons Medical records, only to find that My Ex-partner Ann mother to our two children has Neglected to care for them for over two years in taking my son Danny to his Medical appointments which has now caused him to go through  Major Surgery to remove a Obstruction to his Right Kidney, She is now divorced from her former Husband since November 1999, after he was also violently set upon by Ann for attempting to throw him down the stairs, she has started a new relationship with a new man, and brought him in to contact with our children since July 2000, I have since tried again to notify everyone of what was happening to my children, in September 2000 another court case has began. 

   The Third Court Case for Residence is still pending their decision but in no unspoken words looks to be the same as the other two Court cases they will decide on giving Residence to the Mother regardless of what she has coursed my Son Danny & Daughter Chantelle to go through and regardless to the evidence, as I've been told the Courts look at the future not the past history.  So here is the real evidence of these children's cases. Medical Negligence on the mothers side, Since September 2000 she has began taking our Son Danny to his Medical appointments and so far complying with the hospitals treatment, as since this court case has came about our Son Danny has received his treatment and has undergone two operations,  (1) on his left foot to try to straighten it, and (2) his major operation to remove the obstruction to his right kidney.  With using a procedure of a MACE & a Mitrofinoff but will her compliance continue after court proceedings have finished. 

  I am now married to Louise after having a long standing relationship of 5yrs, my wife Louise & I are looking at starting a life time of Caring for all five children, and supplying them with a better loving future together, if the courts will allow us to continue.

  Given the evidence from Medical Staff, preparations for Danny & Chantelle's future this cannot be allowed to continue can it, Residence should be overturned to the Fathers care and not the Mothers given her past history of violence and compliance with Hospital attendance we think don't you.


Click Here Medical Evidence File

Sorry for the long amount of context added to these pages, but they are all the facts of a five year ongoing court case that we hope will be overturned in favour of the Father this time.

Thank you for all your support, and we hope that this has brought a little help in support to changing the law of today and hope that Fathers in the Future will be able to act on knowing their rights before it's too late.

Updates of the Final Hearing will be added to this site, as soon as we are notified of the outcome,

 it should be decided in Febuary or March 2002.

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