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Written / Submitted By Our Members of Troy MI TCF beating heart

Jeff F.


Jeff F., 19 3/4

June 22, '77 -
June 16, '97

car accident

Jeff F.
  Photo Here Arrow/Link

June 16, 1997
The day you became an angel in heaven.
June 22, 1997 - six days after
Your 20th birthday, there was no laughter.
One year has passed.
The pain still intense.
I still cry out,

You left the house, said "Love ya, mom".
By noon that day, my son you were gone.
They said you died on impact.
That you never really knew.
I pray to God for peace of mind
That this was certainly true.

You were only nineteen,
Still so much to be seen.
Yet in so many ways, beyond your years.
Always there for me to calm MY fears.
I miss our jokes. I miss your smile.
I want you back,
Even for a little while.

You were my son.
You were my best friend.
The pain, the emptiness,
Does it ever end?
You had the kindest soul
You had the biggest heart.
Mine is so broken.
It is missing a large part.

I hear wonderful stories from all of your friends.
Maybe it is your way
To help my heart to mend.
Some stories make me laugh.
Some stories make me cry.
Learn to smile again?
For you, Jeffrey, I will try.

I begin each day with thoughts of you.
My day is filled with more thoughts, too.
My evening, my night, they’re filled with darkness.
You see, Jeff, you were my light.
With each new day, I will try to be positive.
After all, it was your loving ways
That taught ME how to give.

I visit your graven each and every day.
I sit, I cry, but mostly I pray.
I pray the place you’re now in is so beautiful
That you do not miss this world at all.
I will start each new day
As brave as I can be.
But when my time comes near, I will not fear.
Because you will be there waiting for me.

One thing that I do know for sure
When all is said and done.
Is that how blessed I was
To have had you as my son.


(Sue F.)


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Beating Heart from Graphic Station wings found at Lady DJs (site now gone), background + arrows by Roxanne

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The Compassionate Friends is an international organization, a non-profit, non-sectarian, self-help, mutual assistance/support-group, organization. Providing information, resources, friendship, support, understanding and hope to bereaved parents, grandparents, and siblings. Helping to maintain their mental health through their grief and sorrow of the mourning process, to the resolution of their loss and death of their loved one.